Focus Question Why Am I taking a Civics Course?
Let’s Discuss What are your opinions about a civics course? On what information do you base your opinions (personal interest/ experience, views of friends)? What questions do you have about the civics course in general? What is Civics? A course on civics involves the study of government, democratic decision making, and what it means to be an informed, active, and responsible citizen in local, national, and global contexts.
Why Did the Government Make taking a Civics course compulsory? Be a Better Citizen: tries to make informed decisions who wants to participate effectively in the community, nation, and world develop the skills and attitudes that citizens living in a democracy need Learn About Your Rights and Responsibilities Learn how government works in a democratic society, learn how you can try to change things for the better
Why Did the Government Make taking a Civics course compulsory? Learn About Canadian Government and Politics understand how government works at all levels, participate actively in your community, contribute your knowledge and skills to make Canadian society better for all its citizens
Citizen in the classroom Which of the following qualities do you think are the most important for a classroom citizen? Rank the three qualities that, in your view, are most important and the three qualities that are the least important. Are there other important qualities that are missing from this list? comes on time is friendly with all students participates actively helps group members to achieve their best gets high marks respects the teacher respects other students reports someone cheating on a major test shares relevant personal experiences during discussions runs for student council helps keep the classroom clean comes to the aid of a teacher or student who is being verbally threatened