The Abnormal Personality…. AXIS II
Personality Disorders- What are they? Extremes of certain personality traits that interfere with social and emotional functioning Typically (with some exceptions) less debilitating that other major mental illnesses It can be difficult to tell them apart They can be extremely difficult to treat! Some say are “extremes” of normal personalities. Symptoms generally diminish with age.
Symptoms Long-standing Personality traits that are inflexible and maladaptive. Instability in relationships, mood, and self- image. Onset is adolescence or earlier- diagnosis later.`
Types of Personality Disorders
Narcissistic Personality Disorder Grandiose sense of one’s value and importance. His/her problems are unique Needs constant attention Greets criticism with rage Fantasies of power, wealth, fame, beauty
Histrionic Personality Disorder Insatiable need and search for attention.
Paranoid Personality Disorder Persistent suspiciousness Believe they are being observed Believe they are being persecuted
Anti-social Personality Complete lack of empathy or remorse. Failure to conform to social norms Aggressive & impulsive. (Frontal lobe and autonomic nervous system issues) Cruel (animals/people) Fighting (weapons, fire setting) 70% are males Evidence of brain changes in autonomic nervous system arousal and frontal lobe
Borderline Personality Disorder Unstable self-image Sudden, intense rage Insecure Manipulative in relationships. Self- abusive for attention. Mood issues Impulsive behaviors (70% are females)