Washington, DC
A Trip to Washington, DC »Welcome! Your adventure is available to you through this quest and virtual visitation. »You have recently become a travel agent and your first task is to plan a trip to Washington, DC for you and your classmates.
Planning your DC Trip »Requirements: »Mapping & Directions »Planning your day »Creating an Itinerary
How will you get there? »Visit Google Maps and get directions from Elkridge Landing Middle School to the Washington Monument, where you will be dropped off and picked up.Google Maps »Determine what time you should leave and how long it will take you to get there and back home. (Don’t forget to consider the beltway traffic! Check the beltway traffic now. Traffic Cameras)Traffic Cameras
Where will you go? (virtual visitation) »You must decide on five sites you would like to see while in Washington. This is to include: »a. 2 monuments or government buildings »b. 2 museums »c. 2 other attractions of your choice: This could be an additional building, monument, or a completely different attraction such as a zoo, sporting, or music event. »Record the information on the Site Seeing Worksheet provided.
Helpful Sites to Visit: »Smithsonian InstituteSmithsonian Institute »The White HouseThe White House »Architect of the CapitolArchitect of the Capitol »Washington, DC Chamber of CommerceWashington, DC Chamber of Commerce »Interactive map of Washington DCInteractive map of Washington DC »International Spy MuseumInternational Spy Museum
Create an Itinerary: »Create an Itinerary for the people in your group to follow that includes: »Departure times »Arrival Times »Attraction Names/Addresses »Time spent at each attraction »Lunch Break »Souvenir Shopping »Include the amount spent on tickets/admission at each attraction
Scavenger Hunt »Site Links: »Arlington National CemeteryArlington National Cemetery »Lincoln MemorialLincoln Memorial »Vietnam Veterans MemorialVietnam Veterans Memorial »World War II MemorialWorld War II Memorial »Washington MonumentWashington Monument »Korean War MemorialKorean War Memorial »Smithsonian Air and Space MuseumSmithsonian Air and Space Museum »Smithsonian Natural History MuseumSmithsonian Natural History Museum »Smithsonian American History MuseumSmithsonian American History Museum