“How Formative Instruction Ties To Student Growth, the new Evaluation Models and My Bottom Dollar”
Let’s start with Strategic Compensation! Salary base increases year to year (or not) are based largely on your TIGER model evaluation!Salary base increases year to year (or not) are based largely on your TIGER model evaluation!
What can keep you from getting top scores on some of the Tiger Model Domains? Teacher conveys genuine enthusiasm for the content, and students demonstrate consistent commitment to its value. Students demonstrate through their active participation, curiosity, and taking initiative that they value the importance of the content. Teacher makes the purpose of the lesson or unit clear, including where it is situated within broader learning, linking that purpose to student interests. Teacher’s questions are of uniformly high quality, with adequate time for students to respond. Students formulate many questions. Students themselves ensure that all voices are heard in the discussion. All students are cognitively engaged in the activities and assignments in their exploration of content. Students initiate or adapt activities and projects to enhance their understanding.
TIGER (and TAP) Model addresses four domains: The TIGER (and TAP) Model addresses four domains: –P–P–P–Planning and Preparation –Classroom Environment –Instruction –Professional Responsibilities
How can we use Formative Assessment/Instruction to improve these evaluation domains and “Show Me The Money”? Formative Instruction is not a measurement instrument, but a process!Formative Instruction is not a measurement instrument, but a process!
autopsy check-up Imagine Summative Assessments as an autopsy and Formative Instruction as a check-up! You’re too late to fix anything if you’re doing the autopsy! -Dufour
Examples of Formative Instruction Strategies: 1)Cooperating Teacher 2)Homework, Quizzes, and Tests 3)Exit Tickets 4)One-Minute Papers
5) Concept Mapping 6) Problem Solving Observation 7) Engage students in the process / Student Surveys 8) See your teaching through your students’ eyes 9) Identify Misconceptions More Examples of Formative Instruction Strategies
Formative Instructional Data….. provides educators data during an instructional time period; during lessons, through homework, and other instructional activities. provides educators useful feedback to report to students. is used to adjust instructional practices in an effort to maximize student learning and gauge student progress.
AND… Provides the educator with timely, critical evidence that indicates a student’s skill level, their concept mastery, and their learning progression.Provides the educator with timely, critical evidence that indicates a student’s skill level, their concept mastery, and their learning progression. Allows data-driven teachers to see positive results from their students when they routinely collect formative assessment data and then focus their interventions and differentiated lessons accordingly.Allows data-driven teachers to see positive results from their students when they routinely collect formative assessment data and then focus their interventions and differentiated lessons accordingly.
Now, back to TIGER… “Planning and Preparation” Let’s start with our PLC teams! We must focus as a group on….. Unpacking our standards and deciding what the learning progression is that we must keep in mind as we build upon the layers of understanding.Unpacking our standards and deciding what the learning progression is that we must keep in mind as we build upon the layers of understanding. What are the prerequisites for the skill and what will we need to see occur in each step to lead them to the intended learning. Sometimes you’ll have to slow down to speed up!What are the prerequisites for the skill and what will we need to see occur in each step to lead them to the intended learning. Sometimes you’ll have to slow down to speed up! What will mastery look like and how will my feedback be delivered so that it leads them to a deeper understanding of the intended learning?What will mastery look like and how will my feedback be delivered so that it leads them to a deeper understanding of the intended learning?
Next, let’s move on to Domain 2 of TIGER: Classroom Environment Creating an environment of respect and rapportCreating an environment of respect and rapport Establishing a culture of learningEstablishing a culture of learning Managing classroom proceduresManaging classroom procedures Managing student behaviorsManaging student behaviors Things we can do: Morning Meeting, SWPBS to reward positive behavior and getting caught being good, an emphasis on consistency, rotate classroom duties/chores, send positive referrals, modeling both correct and incorrect examples of expectations, and accept nothing less than mutual respect among students and staff!
On to TIGER… Domain 3 “Instruction” Communicating with studentsCommunicating with students Using questioning and discussion techniquesUsing questioning and discussion techniques Engaging students in learningEngaging students in learning Using assessment in instructionUsing assessment in instruction Demonstrating flexibility and responsivenessDemonstrating flexibility and responsiveness
Things we can do: Student friendly learning targets, connect learning to real life experiences, examples of different levels of work, grading rubrics that define levels of work, one on one and small group conferencing, focused feedback that provides students with suggestions, hints or clues rather than praise or comments, limit advice to amount of advice the student can act on, have accessible your quick-flip questioning chart to address higher order questions, encourage critical thinking, student interest inventories, KWL charts, best practices, peer teaching, cooperative group leaders are required to represent all voices within the group!Things we can do: Student friendly learning targets, connect learning to real life experiences, examples of different levels of work, grading rubrics that define levels of work, one on one and small group conferencing, focused feedback that provides students with suggestions, hints or clues rather than praise or comments, limit advice to amount of advice the student can act on, have accessible your quick-flip questioning chart to address higher order questions, encourage critical thinking, student interest inventories, KWL charts, best practices, peer teaching, cooperative group leaders are required to represent all voices within the group!
TIGER Domain 4 “Professional Responsibilities” Reflecting on teachingReflecting on teaching Maintaining accurate recordsMaintaining accurate records Participating within a professional community (PLC)Participating within a professional community (PLC) Growing and developing professionallyGrowing and developing professionally Showing professionalismShowing professionalism Things we can do: Through formative assessment practices, we can determine which students need reteaching and those ready to move on, again… responsive teaching!Things we can do: Through formative assessment practices, we can determine which students need reteaching and those ready to move on, again… responsive teaching!
Things We Can Do: (cont.) Then, in our PLC, we can reflect and share as a team what worked or didn’t, what was effective, why or why not, and where do we go from here with this learning progression. Standards based record keeping along with journaling anecdotal records for your own reflection to document student performance as well as to be shared with students and parents. This opens the discussion with the student regarding his/her performance. There is a ton of info out there on Formative Assessment and Formative Instruction including the Battelle online coursework, publications from CCSSO, to name a few.Then, in our PLC, we can reflect and share as a team what worked or didn’t, what was effective, why or why not, and where do we go from here with this learning progression. Standards based record keeping along with journaling anecdotal records for your own reflection to document student performance as well as to be shared with students and parents. This opens the discussion with the student regarding his/her performance. There is a ton of info out there on Formative Assessment and Formative Instruction including the Battelle online coursework, publications from CCSSO, to name a few. TIGER Domain 4 “Professional Responsibilities”
Our Plan for Success…”Work Backwards” 1. “Unpack” the standards and look at the verbs. 2. Design your assessments to match those verbs. 3. Then, design your “formative instruction” around what you want to see them do. (the verb) 4. Teach responsively!
Remember… FI is a “PROCESS” that… encourages the use of instructional strategies to improve instructionencourages the use of instructional strategies to improve instruction encourages reflection and self-assessment among studentsencourages reflection and self-assessment among students is “Responsive Teaching”is “Responsive Teaching” and will…and will…
“Show Me the Money!”