AP Environmental Science Free Response Questions
Four Questions = 40% of Exam 1 Data Set 1 Document Based 2 Synthesis and Evaluation
Timing You will have approximately 22 minutes to answer each FR question (you must answer all 4!) You are free to answer the questions in any order you choose, just be sure to put your answer in the correct space in the exam booklet (there is a section labeled for each question)
Setting Up Your Response Each question is divided into several sections (sections may not have equal weighting) Label your responses according to the question: a) b) c) d)
Answering the Questions: General Advice Do NOT structure your answer as you would an English exam essay – there is no need to repeat the question in your response DO write in complete sentences – lists usually do not earn points, even if the answer is correct Do your best to use correct spelling and grammar, but these things will NOT count against you Write legibly!
Follow the Directions! If it asks for 2 examples, give only two. Readers will not read past the first two examples given, even if a third answer is correct and the first two are wrong!
Answer the question asked! Pay attention to key words such as, “Identify and Discuss,” “Describe” For “Identify and Discuss,” be sure to link your identification clearly with its discussion -Points are not usually given just for an identification!
Document Based Question Use the information in the question in your answer, but this does not mean just repeat it – you are trying to demonstrate that you understand what is being asked, not that you can read!
Data Based Question SHOW ALL WORK Use proper units! Partial credit is given if you set up an equation properly, but make an error in the calculation Use proper units! Pay attention to the question – MPG or kWh provides you with some clues about how to set up your problem! Watch decimal points!
Know Your Units Know your metric conversions! Know energy units such as kWh, BTU and calories
Graphing Know how to correctly set up a graph AND carefully graph data Know how to read and interpret graphs (don’t forget you MAY write on the graphs!)
Show What You Know! The reader is looking to award points for what is correct in your answer, not to take away points for incorrect info As long as you do not contradict yourself (give a correct answer and then an opposite incorrect answer) you will probably get credit, even if your answer contains some incorrect info
NO LAUNDRY LISTS! If you don’t know an answer, don’t put down a laundry list of possible answers hoping to hit on the correct one, readers can discern whether or not you really understand. Avoid “enviro-speak” For example, some students use words like “pollution,” in a very general sense. You must always specify what type of pollution.
Scoring Each question is awarded a maximum of 10 points (occasionally a question may be able to earn 11 or 12 points, but 10 is the max) Elaboration points – if a student goes into more detail and really shows a grasp of the concepts sometimes an “extra” point is available
Know Your Nutrient Cycles! Carbon/oxygen Water Nitrogen Phosphorus
Know Key Terms Life Cycle Cost Short Term and Long Term Per Capita Net Cost/Benefit
Other Helpful Stuff 1st Law of Thermodynamics 2nd Law of Thermodynamics Be able to give specific examples: Introduced species, endangered species, dams, environmental/natural disasters, environmental toxins, environmental legislation
Know Your Environmental Laws! Air Quality Clean Air Act, 1955 Kyoto Protocol, 1997 Energy Energy Policy and Conservation Act, 1975 General Laws National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA), 1969 Freedom of Information Act, (FOIA), 1966 Occupational Safety and Health Act, 1970 Land Use and Conservation Land and Water Conservation Act, 1965 Soil and Water Conservation Act, 1977 Pesticides Federal Insecticide, Fungicide and Rodenticide Control Act (FIFRA), 1947 Resources and Solid Waste Management Mining Act, 1872 Resource Conservation and Recovery Act (RCRA), 1976 Toxic Substances Comprehensive Environmental Response, Compensation and liability (Superfund) Act (CERCLA), 1980 Hazardous Materials Transportation Act (Hazmat), 1975 Nuclear Waste Policy Act, 1982 Water Quality Clean Water Act, 1972 Ocean Dumping Ban Act, 1988 Safe Drinking Water Act, 1974 Wildlife Conservation Alaska National Interest Lands Conservation Act, 1980 Endangered Species Act, 1973 Fish and Wildlife Act, 1956 Fish and Wildlife Improvement Act, 1978 Fish and Wildlife Conservation Act, 1980