8 th Grade Language Arts School Year Ms. Johanna M. Morales Norman S. Edelcup Sunny Isles Beach K-8
Welcome to my classroom! If you need to contact me at any time throughout the year, please feel free to send me an . I will get back to you within 24 hours. Parents you must go to the office with a picture identification to obtain your PIN number for access to the Parent Portal.
Expectations Every student is expected to follow the School Code of Conduct as well as my classroom rules (posted on the bulletin board). Students are responsible for missed work when they are absent. They have two buddies they chose the first week of school. In addition, my is readily available for any questions and I also have a website. K-8/Morales/apt1.aspx Every student has a copy of the syllabus in their binder or you can access the document at my website. An acknowledgement form was sent home with students. All information pertinent to absences is on the syllabus.
Format of the Class Throughout the year students will be studying literature, poetry, grammar, and an assortment of writing styles, public speaking, listening skills, and creative thinking. We will be reading several novels, including Taming of the Shrew by Shakespeare, Animal Farm by George Orwell and Ender’s Game by Orson Scott Card. FCAT Writing will be administered this year.
Format of the Class Each day students begin with “Bell work.” This may include a journal prompt, a free write, or a grammar exercise. Example: What does the saying “ignorance is bliss” mean? Some students volunteer to read and we discuss for a short while. We review home learning, read, take notes, or have class discussions after the bell work is complete.
Format of the Class On Fridays students take weekly vocabulary quizzes. I will give out new words on Monday, which will be based on the week’s reading. It is very important students complete the home learning associated with the vocabulary. I will notify you, the parent, if there are any novels the students need to purchase by sending a letter home.
Expectations I encourage parents to enforce reading and writing at home. Students should also practice activities that will allow them to use problem solving and critical thinking skills. (Puzzles, word games, Sudoku, etc.) Spelling and handwriting should also be practiced.
Independent Reading Students are encouraged to read independently. The school really stands behind the Accelerated Reader Program. I administered a test that gave students their approximate reading level. With this score students can choose reading material appropriate to them. Students are given points for every book read when they complete the Accelerated Reader quizzes. There are rewards given for the accumulation of points. Effort grade is also based on the participation in this program.
Reading Plus Program Last year the district adopted the Reading Plus program. Reading Plus is a computer-based reading intervention system that provides silent reading practice. It is a “beyond the bell” program. This means… The school is adamant about student participation. Again, this program is another opportunity to gain rewards and academic grades.
Adopt-A-Classroom What does it mean to "adopt" a classroom? By adopting a classroom, you serve as a community partner to a classroom providing financial and moral support to the teacher and students. It may you be you or you may refer my classroom to an individual or a company. Visit Click on donors. Select Florida on the U.S map. On the following screen simply put my first name, Johanna, my last name, Morales and select Florida from the drop menu. My name and the school will appear on the right, simply click and you may read my entry.
Thank You! I would like to thank you for your continued support. I am very open to comments and concerns so please keep my handy. I am looking forward to a great school year!