Born and Raised in Miami, FL B.B.A. in Finance from Mercer University Masters in Educational Leadership from Barry University (2013) Worked for an IT company for 15 years Certified in ESE, Math 5-9, ESOL Gifted Certification (In progress) Pat-on-the-Back PTA Recipient (2011 & 2012) My Daughter, Emily, is a Falcon! (8 th grade) I enjoy traveling, sports, dancing, running and biking
Note: Students are required to have access to a computer and a printer either at home or a library “Going Green” Online Textbook (Holt McDougal) ◦ Firefox browser is preferred as a web browser Online Homework Online Assessments: Tests and Quizzes Additional Resources: Practice Worksheets Differentiated Instruction in Class and Online Online Personal Tutors with Certified Teachers Spanish Translation “If you try to do your best then there is no failure” Mike Farrell
Real Numbers Proportions and Functions Equations Geometry New: Florida State Assessment (online test) Note: Calculators are used for specific lessons only Goal: Students are better prepared for college
Focus on Habits Critical to High School Come to class on time and prepared with all materials Keep a well organized, up-to-date notebook Complete homework in a careful, diligent manner (online assignments too) Make-up work on time if you are absent Use online tutors and additional resources to review for quizzes and tests Do your BEST each and every day!
Grades Homework 10% Classwork 20% Quizzes 30% Tests 40% Total: 100% ‘Z’: Work that may be made up otherwise, a ‘0’ ‘0’: Work that earned a ‘zero’
One year until HIGH SCHOOL…. Five years until COLLEGE…
Think on your feet Communicate clearly Make your own decisions Do not give in to peer pressure Be a problem solver Be a team player Learn to work with others Organize and plan ahead Added Bonus: “Mrs. Stringer’s Life Skills”
Be Involved Open Communication Set Goals Support: Peer Counselors Tutor
Falcon Cove Teacher Website Access from Falcon Cove website Holt McDougal (online textbook) Pinnacle (PIV) Virtual Counselor
The best way to predict your future is to create it. Abraham Lincoln