Homeroom/Advisor Activity September 5,2012 Everyone should have a teal advisor folder (this folder will stay with you for 4 years) Hand out the zeroes worksheet to go in folder…discuss…(show of hands~ who has some zeroes they need to take care of?) Hand out Graduation Requirements for the class of 2016 to go in folder…discuss… Progress Reports come out on Sept. 11, 2012
GA website GA homepage Show students how to get to teacher web pages Show students how to get to my website: GA homepage: Academics: Counseling: Mary Belechak Still have more time- then talk about keeping up with infinite campus, asking teachers for help and last but not least- get to know each other! COLLECT ADVISEMENT FOLDERS WITH ALL PAPERS IN THEM…THESE FOLDERS STAY WITH HOMEROOM TEACHER-THEY DO NOT LEAVE CLASSROOM!