By: Tyrah Sumile And Courtney Walker
1. Roll die. Highest number goes first. 2. Roll die and move the number of spaces. 3. Pick up cards and answer. 4. If correct, roll die and move the number of spaces. If wrong, stay on space and the next player rolls. 5. First one to reach Finish wins!
1-4 Players. Player with highest number when dice rolled goes first. Go around the panda head 2 times. Try and get to the bamboo to win!
Sample Space for 2 dice
If Alex rolled the dice 36 times, how many times could he expect to get a Sum of 5? First, look at the sample space to find out how many sums of five there are.
If Alex rolled the dice 36 times, how many times could he expect to get a Sum of 5?
PROBLEM: If Alex rolled the dice 36 times, how many times could he expect to get a Sum of 5? ANSWER: 4 Reduces to
1 x 36 4 = 9 = 9 Alex would expect to get a sum of five 9 times.
Courtney…… Poster Board Questions Tyrah…… Coloring the Tittle Power Point
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