Welcome to Mrs. Jessee’s room for “Back To School” Night! Welcome to Mrs. Jessee’s room for “Back To School” Night!
Specials Monday 10:30-11:30 Spanish and Music Tuesday 10:30-11:30 Music and PE Wednesday 10:35-11:30 (E.L. 8:30-2) Library and PE Thursday 10:30-11:25 Spanish and Library (check out books) Friday 9:30-10:30 Art Regular Lunch: 12:20-12:45 Early Dismissal Lunch: 12:05-12:25 Band: Mon/Fri 11:30-12:00 Strings: Mon/Wed 2:00-2:30
Reading Information Strategies for reading: * Reading for meaning * Text structures * Elements of a story * Author’s purpose and point of view * Reading all text types in literature We do a combination of guided reading, direct instruction (whole and small group), and reciprocal teaching to meet all children’s needs. We will be mixing novels in with our Wonders reading program, as well as doing teacher read aloud every day.
Everyday Spelling A Spelling Process Spelling is linked directly to vocabulary, reading, and writing. The focus is on developing word knowledge and good spelling habits by recognizing patterns, prefixes, suffixes, and roots. A spelling activity will be given as homework. Students will take a spelling pre-test on Mondays, and a post-test on Fridays. Students who score a 95% or better on Monday’s pretest will be assigned challenge activities and are excused from Friday’s test.
Fifth Grade Math Concepts Place value of whole numbers & decimals Division & Multiplication of larger numbers Interpreting graphs, tables, & charts Verbalizing Math Processes & Skills Simplifying fractions Adding, subtracting & multiplying fractions Mixed numbers Problem Solving Decimals
5 th Grade Writing Focus Writing solid paragraphs, short essays (narrative, expository, persuasive, and technical), and research papers Proofreading & Peer Editing to produce a Final Copy Grammar Use of Figurative Language
Science Topics Scientific Process Human Body Systems Matter Solar System Changing Earth & Environment Taught by Mrs. Harris
Social Studies Focus Maps and the Themes of Geography Early Americans Explorers Colonization Revolutionary War American Government Economics
Classroom Management Our Class Rules:
Grading Grades are based on: 1.Assignments/Tests/Projects 2.Work Habits 3.Staying on task
Homework Completion Each morning, I check that the students have completed the from the night befoassignments re. If they have, they earn a sticker on their chart. 25 stickers earns 2 free HW passes or 25 Python Points!! If a student forgets to complete an assignment, I will have him or her enter it into my OOPS! Binder. As long as they have completed the work by FRIDAY of that week, they earn an extra recess!!
Grading Scale The grades students earn in 5 th grade are: A+= % A = 93-98% A-= 90-92% B+= 87-89% B= 83-86% B-= 80-82% C+= 77-79% C= 73-76% C-= 70-72% D+= 67-69% D= 63-66% D-= 60-62% F= <60%
Learning Daily Responsibility So that the students will learn through natural consequences, we won’t be letting them to call home unless it’s an emergency (BTW, forgetting items including homework, lunches, instruments, or sneakers for PE doesn’t equal an emergency! ). We also request that if you discover needed items that have been left behind, PLEASE don’t deliver it to school. I PROMISE, they will be less likely to do it again in the future if they know they will not be bailed out by an adult! (Feel free to make me the bad guy—”Sorry, honey, that mean DELIGHTFUL Mrs. Jessee says I can’t!” )
Homework Policy In cooperation with the Shawnee Mission District homework policy, each student will have 50 minutes of study time each night. Study time includes daily work, studying for tests, correcting previous assignments (more on that in a minute!), and working on projects, as well as free reading. Students should complete their assigned schoolwork first, then fill whatever time is left with free reading. PLEASE let me know if your child is taking considerably longer to complete their work at home!
MORE HOMEWORK?? There may be times when your student has finished an assignment during the school day. HOWEVER, they should still be bringing it home to show you, even if it is done. All homework that is waiting to be turned in will be stored in the “Homework” pocket of their Boomerang folder. Feel free to ask them how they found answers to check for understanding! Please his/her Boomerang Folder each night. My ultimate goal is to partner with you to teach students to be responsible learners! Homework assignments back up the skills or strategies learned in the classroom. Homework assignments are most successful when a parent or adult is available to answer questions and give guidance.
Correcting Work In 5 th grade, your child can raise his/her homework score AS WE GRADE by fixing mistakes on homework. If they get a C+ or lower on any assignment, students are required to rework the problems. Otherwise, correcting work is their (or your ) choice! When the students turn work in, I go over it and give half points back for any corrections made. The kids can also fix it once I return the assignment to them. Because we offer this, I don’t do much “extra credit”.
How It Works Say your child earned a 60%. That’s a D-! Ouch! They missed 40% (100%-60% = 40%). However, if they correct each problem missed AND show work, I will give back half of what was originally missed by adding it on to the original score. (original 60% + 20% back = 80%). The only score that gets recorded in my grade book would be a B- !!! The reason I offer this is to give kids the opportunity to reflect on what they missed, and work the problems in the correct manner, hopefully preparing them to use those skills correctly as we progress.
Book Reports Book reports will be in the form of 1 Accelerated Reader test and a project assigned each month. (The project will be over a different book than the one the student chooses for his/her Accelerated Reader test. ) Students will need to spend time each weeknight reading or preparing their book projects. Encourage your student not to wait until the end of the month to get started! Usually, we will specify the type of book to be read for the project; students may choose what to read for the A.R. test as long as it is an appropriate level for them. Book reports will always be due on the last school day of the month, beginning in September.
Field Trips We will be taking several field trips this year, including: Science City’s Planetarium at Union Station Exchange City Chiefs’ Sports Lab at Arrowhead Stadium KC Zoo Plus a variety of in-class guest speakers and programs hosted at school
We are looking for VOLUNTEERS to help out with Parties, Events, and More!!! It’s Super Simple! 1. Just go to: Register for an account and then… 3. Find A Signup Enter the of the Sign Up List's creator: I recommend arranging it by title…all of our grade level sign ups will be grouped together that way. Start Signing up today! Have questions? Contact Teri text/call or
Python Points Python Points are a form of “money” that the kids may earn for good behavior and good grades that can be used to participate in an auction where the students may bid on and purchase prizes. Not necessarily every child will purchase trinkets every month. The students can save their Python Points and use them during the next auction. If you would like to donate items for our auctions, please grab a sticky note from the door frame as you exit!
More… REACHING MRS. JESSEE Please feel free to communicate any questions or concerns by sending a note with your child, leaving a voic message ( ), or ing me I am in the process of updating my class website; it should be completed by next week. HOME/SCHOOL COMMUNICATION As I grade students’ work, I will return it to their mailboxes for them to place in their Boomerang Folder. This folder will come to and from school every day. Monday Mail will also be placed in folders for your child to take home to you. Don’t forget to look for weekly newsletters to come by starting next week!
Text Reminders from remind101.com It will prompt you for your name in a follow-up text. That’s it! I will use it for field trip reminders, event reminders, and project reminders. This DOES NOT replace the district texting system—visit for more details on that.
Odds and Ends… ABSENT WORK POLICY Students will be given two days for every day gone to make up work after an absence. Work may be requested by calling the office on the morning of the absence. Work can be sent home with a sibling or be given to the student upon returning to school. If any prolonged illness or other special circumstances interfere with the child being able to make up the work within the time frame, I will always be flexible and willing to make special arrangements! Please contact me at the earliest convenience. BIRTHDAYS Birthdays are an exciting time. We are not doing birthday treats as a way to focus on health. We will announce your child’s name on the announcements and sing to them in class on their day! Student Council will decorate lockers every month. I would also like to mention that birthday invitations should be mailed from home and not sent to school so that we do not hurt any feelings.
Scholastic Book Orders We will be ordering from the Scholastic book orders this year. Book orders will be sent home with the kids about once a month. Please make 1 check out to Scholastic Book Clubs, even if ordering from multiple clubs at once. We also have set up online ordering where you may pay Scholastic directly with your credit card. Mrs. Jessee’s class code for online ordering: GQ6ZB
Health Stuff! Students may bring one healthy snack to school to eat during the school day including fruits, vegetables, crackers, granola bars, cheese sticks, etc. NO NUTS, PLEASE! I encourage students to bring a water bottle to school. However, I ask that they bring them home at least once a week to be washed! We do go out for recess all days that the weather permits. Please make sure that your child is dressed for the weather.
Please Don’t Forget…. I dreamed I stood in a studio and watched two sculptors there. The clay they used was a young child's mind, and they fashioned it with care. One was a parent, who worked with a guiding hand, and a gentle, loving heart. The other one was a teacher--the tools he used were books, music, and art. Day after day the parents toiled, with a touch that was deft and sure, While the teacher labored by their side and polished and smoothed it o'er. And then at last their task was done! They were proud of what they had wrought, For the things they had molded into the child could never be sold or bought. And each agreed they would have failed if each had worked alone, But working as partners they truly could see how the student’s true talents shone. Thank you for sharing your child with me! Amanda