Basic requirements At least 8 slides 1 introduction slide with your name, topic and an image 1 side by side slide for each piece of evidence (6 evidence slides) include oral citations for each evidence Include a heading for the image include an image, chart, or graph for each evidence 1 conclusion slide (NO WORDS, ONLY IMAGES)
Format of PPT PPT should be used as a visual aid to help the class visually see the point you are making about your topic It should contain very few words – only a heading for the image and oral citations (Ev) The images should prove the point you are verbally making in your presentation Superior images include: photographs of incident, video clips, charts of statistics, drawings of incident You should have a slide with an image (or more) for each main point = 6 slides Plus, you want one title slide and one conclusion slide, so 8 slides total
Federal Emergency Management Agency Student Name
Heading for Chart According to _________, quote “blah” end quote.
Heading for Chart According to ________, a witness stated quote “blah” end quote.
Heading for Picture According to _________, an expert on volcanoes, stated quote “blah” end quote.
Symbolic Speech According to Sylvia Whitman the Supreme Court declared quote “that flag burning is a form of political expression protected by the First Amendment” end quote.
Do you have to dress nice for your presentation?