Résumés A one page document that lists your contact information, education, talents, and interests. Earns you a chance at an interview. Shows how you may be a better worker than other applicants. - Neatly handwritten or typed - Uses active verbs - Edited for correct spelling - Capitalizes proper nouns
#1. Education Most recent first! 5 – 7 Ahern Middle School 111 Mechanic St. Foxboro, MA, zip??? k-4 ??? Elementary School ??? Street, Foxboro, MA zipcode?
#2 Work Experience List jobs or chores that show you can be a trusted worker. List at least two jobs or chores List most recent work first Use ACTIVE VERBS and one or two SPECIFIC details to stand out from peers with similar work experience
#2 Work experience Stand out from the competition Use Active Verbs and limited details (basic version) Mowed lawn Babysat 2011 (basic version) Mowed lawn Babysat 2011 (improved version) Landscaping worker: mowed 1- acre lawn every week, trimmed edges, swept walks Babysitter: cared for 3 and 5 year-old boys twice weekly; maintained order, organized games, prepared snacks (improved version) Landscaping worker: mowed 1- acre lawn every week, trimmed edges, swept walks Babysitter: cared for 3 and 5 year-old boys twice weekly; maintained order, organized games, prepared snacks
#3 Skills and Talents List at least 3 items Examples: Artistic, creative Athletic, competitive Good listener as peer mediator Able to speak in front of people Perform in plays Earned Black Belt in Karate Sunday school Instructor Mentor, HR Representative
#4 Interests List at least 3 items. -Use ACTIVE verbs where possible Examples: Playing soccer, baseball …etc Singing in Ahern School Chorus Percussionist in the Ahern Band Girl / Boy Scout member Attend School Clubs ??? Drawing, Reading, video games
#5 Special Achievements List at least 2 items Examples: Won a medal at a Karate Competition Medalist at a school poetry contest Leadership award in Boy/Girl Scout Member of “Relay for Life” team 2010
#6 References List at least 3 people - Include First & Last name - your relationship to them Example: Susan Jones, Soccer Coach Include non-family members. Employers assume your family loves you. References should be outsiders who can vouch for you as a reliable, resourceful, skilled worker.