Welcome! Class of 2010! PLAN APPLY PAY
PLAN 3600 Colleges and even more technical colleges! You have taken the tests. You have completed ¾ of your HS career. The harder your courses, the better your grades, the higher your test scores, the more involved you have been the more OPTIONS you will have. If you have not done well in high school there are still MANY ways for you to get a good education and a fulfilling career.
Are you looking for the “best” college? Let’s see what some national consultants have to stay about finding the best fit! Peter Van Burskirk atch?v=oIugnI-TQmo
Are you thinking about college in CO? Do you have an account? Have you applied for COF CO Opportunity fund? Explore careers FREE Test Prep College Fairs College Visits Visits to BMHS from College reps
National college search? Great websites for national college search Tests/ Plan for College/ Find A College/Apply to College/ Pay for College My profile: ACT 25, GPA 3.8, Top 10% Compare, Am I on track? How do I stack up?
Looking for your dream school? Find one or two schools that you are sure you can be admitted to-your "foundation" schools-and that you would be very happy to attend! Foundation schools are "insurance Look for schools that meet your basic criteria, and where you easily fit the academic profile of students who attend that school. A school that will challenge you academically with majors that interest you. selectivity does not equal quality.
What is that college really like? Visit these websites unigo.com or collegeconfidential.com and collegeprowler.com
APPLY to Colorado Colleges All applications are done online! Be sure you complete all parts of the application Colleges in CO use collegeincolorado.org Instate tuition classification and COF CU CSU or common applicationhttp://admissions.colostate.edu/FutureFreshmen
APPLY to out of state colleges Almost 400 college use the Common Application Application Supplements School Forms (Counselor) Talk to us then invite us online Teacher recommendation Ask the teacher then invite online Payment Test scores sent from ACT.com or
APPLY to California state colleges Have you taken the A-G courses? CSUMentor for Cal State colleges. Early deadlines! How to Apply to University of California Colleges November 1 deadline dm/apply_to_uc.html Work with your counselor on these applications! They are tricky!
APPLYing is your responsibility application submitted on time ? Fees? Letters of recommendations if needed ? test scores sent? BMHS and CMC transcripts sent? Supplements?
Questions? This is the beginning of a journey. Keep your options open! Keep your counselor in the loop! We are here to help YOU!