January Homework Healthy Habits Calendar
Your 2 nd Trimester Homework is HERE!!
Here’s what you do: 1. Write your name, circle your PE teacher, and Period.
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Now complete as many different activities for each of the four categories for each day.
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You do not need to complete all four categories each day. Be honest and circle the ones that you actually complete.
E = Exercise Did you complete 20 minutes of exercise? If so, circle the E for that day.
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F/V = Fruits and Vegetables. Did you eat 5 servings of fruits or vegetables today? If so, circle the F/V.
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W = Water Did you drink 6 glasses of water today? If so, circle the W.
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S = Sleep Write down how many hours of sleep you got. Ideally it would be at least 8 hours.
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Do this for each day to fill in your chart.
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Do this for the next 3 weeks.
The calendar will also be available on EISpe.com
Your homework is due Monday, Feb. 3 rd.