ChemComm Entry Task (answer this on your entry task sheet) Give two facts about alkali metals. Learning Target: I will learn physical and chemical properties of many metals.
Using page of the chemistry book answer these questions about Alkaline Earth Metals: 1. What elements are in this group? (list them all) 2. What does the name mean? 3. What are some of the physical properties? 4. What does it react with? 5. What are some practical uses for these elements? Using page 197 to 201 of the chemistry book answer these questions about The Transition Metals: 1. What elements are in this group? (don’t list them all, but write where they are in the periodic table) 2. What are some of the physical properties? (list at least 5) 3. What does it react with? 4. Which transition metals can be used to make permanent magnets? 5, Which transition metals can be found in their pure form and are unreactive? 6. What are some practical uses for these elements?
Finish SuperSaturation Lab: By the end of today, you need to turn in your completed lab packet. You may collect more data if needed (ask first)