What’s science going to be like this year? On the Front Page of your Agenda, copy my Website: teacherweb.com/va/gildersleeve/mrwatt/
Analogy We’re going to build a house and then learn how to use it
Foundation Vocabulary words, definitions Then connect with real world examples Interactive Notebook (INB) Lots of Cornell Style Notes Lots of Cornell Style Notes
Cornell Notes IV - Variable or factor that the experimenter changes experimenter changes Ex. - Types of plant fertilizer DV - Variable or factor that changes as a result of the IV a result of the IV Ex. – Height of the bean plant
Test Question Tasha wanted to see which type of plant grew the tallest in a 3 week period The IV is _______ A. 3 week period B. Plant that grew the tallest C. Tasha D. Types of plants
Exterior of the House Draw and color a lot of images Helps provide a mental picture (one you should be able to explain) Recommend you buy a box of colored pencils
Life Science (3rd Quarter) Start with Lab Safety and Metrics (concrete thinking) (concrete thinking) Move on to simple microscopic organisms Animal and Plant Cells (be able to differentiate) Animal and Plant Cells (be able to differentiate) Move on to complex processes (abstract thinking) DNA Replication, Mitosis, Genetics DNA Replication, Mitosis, Genetics Mix in Scientific Method and getting ready for your science project
Life Science – 4th Quarter) Complete your Science Project Requirements Fossils and Natural Selection (Darwin) How organisms are classified Learn how organisms interact with other biotic and abiotic factors biotic and abiotic factors And finally we tie it all together in how large, complex biomes work
Hands on Time to find out how our new house works Demos, Labs, Computer Virtual Field Trips and Computer Webquests
Grading Percentages Homework – 15% Class work – 30% Quizzes – 25% Tests – 30%
My Homework Philosophies Never make it busy work Designed To prepare you for the next day To prepare you for the next day To reinforce what was previously covered in class/es To reinforce what was previously covered in class/es To finish what couldn’t be finished in class To finish what couldn’t be finished in class To accomplish research projects that take too much time to be accomplished at school To accomplish research projects that take too much time to be accomplished at school Penalties for Slackers Lab activity exclusion, removal from class, detention Lab activity exclusion, removal from class, detention
Homework Don’t procrastinate on assignments Read sections in the textbook You will be given a textbook to take and leave home You will be given a textbook to take and leave home Don’t lose it unless you have a spare $56 Don’t lose it unless you have a spare $56 Study at least 10 minutes (nightly) Notes, handouts, and drawings in your INB (Interactive Notebook) Notes, handouts, and drawings in your INB (Interactive Notebook) Quizlet Flashcards Quizlet Flashcards Look back over the power point presentations in my website Look back over the power point presentations in my website
Weekly Vocabulary Quizzes Copy my Website Copy my Website Copy my Website
Remember 3 things #1 - I’m going to spoon feed you only so far #2 - Bar is set high, I expect you to do you’re part to get over it
#3 - Finally, remember "If you're not having fun, then you're doing something wrong."
Are there any questions????