Why do we use portfolios in Spanish?
What I Can Do With My Spanish? Think about what the terms below mean. Referring to specific examples from your portfolio, write what you can do with these Spanish skills. Please type this on a separate sheet using the headings listed below. Be sure your reflection is thorough. Reflexión ____10 -9 The reflection is completed in depth with many very specific examples. It is very thoughtful and very thorough. ____ 8-7 The reflection is completed in depth with some examples. It is thoughtful but not as thorough as above. ____ 6-5 The reflection is completed with few examples. It is thoughtful. ____ 4-3 The reflection is completed without referring to any examples. ____ 2-1 The reflection is vague. ____ 0 The reflection is missing. Language: Listening Reading Speaking Writing Culture Goals: How does your work represent your goals which you set for yourself at the beginning of the year? What are your learning goals for next year? (Although you may not be enrolled in a Spanish class next year, you still should have learning goals.)
Why do we use portfolios in Spanish?