How to make Flashcards… Pearson-MTHS 2014
What do I do? There are three ways you can make flashcards for extra credit. 1. Use index cards or cardstock paper. 2. Make a vocabulary/grammar PowerPoint. 3. Make a vocabulary/grammar video clip.
Index cards Make your E.C. flashcards using index cards. Write the Spanish word/phrase on one side. On the other side write the English translation. Remember to use markers that will not show through the paper!!
Index Cards Include your NAME, class period, and Unit/Chapter # of flashcards as a separate card. Don’t forget to use a paper clip or rubber band to keep them together!! Examples: Susie Q. Student Period 5 Unit 1-Greetings Susie Student Period 1 Chapter 1.3- pg. 31
Example la casa Spanish word/phrase the house English translation on the other side
Power Point Make your E.C. flashcards using PowerPoint. This can also be a game! Type the Spanish word/phrase on a slide. Use custom animation to make this word appear first. Type the English translation on the same slide. Use custom animation to make translation appear second.
When typing the words, you may use Word Art to “jazz up” your words!! If you are unsure how to use these PowerPoint features, click on the to get help online. For step by step directions, go to:
Example: one set per slide
Example: 2 or more per slide
Video presentation Make your E.C. flashcard presentation with video. Many options are available for creating videos. You need to research your choices carefully. The next slide includes some YouTube clips with Spanish vocab and grammar examples.
Examples Yk Yk BLU BLU E8MmSX_-Zk E8MmSX_-Zk DLWlc DLWlc
Your Choice The extra credit must be turned in no later than 5 school days before the end of the marking period. Points will be awarded by the number of words used AND SPELLED correctly. Any outside sources must be cited!!!! Again, this is your choice. Have fun, be creative, and learn something new!!