Title I/AYP Presentation Prepared by NHCS Title I Department for NHCS PTA September 22, 2010
What is No Child Left Behind? NCLB is the federal law which requires that all public school children perform at grade level in reading and math by the end of the school year.
What is Adequate Yearly Progress? AYP is the federal measurement of the yearly academic progress of students in reading and mathematics. NCLB divides students into ten groups (subgroups) for measurement purposes. The federal goal is to have all children performing at grade level or above in reading in mathematics by
The 10 subgoups are... School as a whole White Black Hispanic Native American Asian/Pacific Islander Multi-racial Economically disadvantaged students Students with limited English proficiencies (ESL) Students with disabilities (EC)
A group is 40 or more students who have been in attendance for at least 140 days of the school year by the first day of spring testing. (Not all schools have ten subgroups.) Each subgroup must meet the same set proficiency targets in reading and in math. Each student is represented in at least two groups— the school as a whole and his/her racial group. What are subgroup guidelines?
How does a school make AYP? Each student group must meet proficiency targets in reading and math (possible 20 targets) Each student group must meet 95% participation target in reading and math (possible 20 more targets) School must meet other academic indicators– (1 additional target) - For elementary and middle schools it is the attendance rate. - For high schools it is the graduation cohort rate. * A possibility of 41 targets!
NC Proficiency Target Goals
Grades 3 - reading EOGs - math EOGs Grade 10 - combination of English I EOC and 10 th grade writing assessment - Algebra I EOC Target goal percentages come from which tests? Alternate assessments are offered to a small percentage of students.
It’s an all or nothing model. If just one student group does not meet state target goals in reading or math or the other academic indicator, the school does not make AYP.
What is a Title I school? More than 35% of school’s students receive free and reduced lunch. School is, therefore, eligible to receive federal funding.
What does it mean to be a Title I school in improvement? Title I schools not meeting state target goals (AYP) for two years in a row, in the same subject, are designated as Title I Schools in Improvement. These schools face federal sanctions.
What are sanctions? Choice (transfer option) Supplemental Education Services (free tutoring) School districts rank schools by poverty and serve them in rank order until funds run out. Within the allotted budget, economically disadvantaged students receive priority placement.
What is choice? If a school does not make AYP in the same subject for two years in a row, it must offer its students the option to transfer to a district-identified school that is not in improvement.
What is SES? After three years of not making improvement in the same subject, the school must offer free tutoring services known as supplemental education services (SES) to its economically disadvantaged students. NHCS participated in a state pilot, so the options are reversed.
Who provides tutoring services? NHCS offers tutoring by state-approved outside providers. Service is at parent request. District pays the outside providers. Parents provide transportation Tutoring is offered beyond the instructional day.
What about non-Title I schools? Schools that met AYP targets must receive transfer students from schools in Improvement. NonTitle I schools not making AYP in the same subject for two or more years in a row must revise their school improvement plans, but do not have to offer transfer options. If any district-wide group does not make AYP, the entire district is in Improvement.
NCLB Websites ayp.ncpublicschools.org ml