My Life at ASMS Your Name Here
Teachers 4 th - 5 th - 6 th -
My all-time Middle School Favs School Lunch- Event- (lock-in, wax museum, talent show, reward party, etc.) Teacher- can be a pull-out teacher
Extracurricular Activities/Clubs *if none, skip this slide Band. Talented Theater. 4-H. Student Council. FOR Club. B1 Committee And a short description about it- for example-if you were in band, what instruments did you play. Who was your band teacher, etc.
Friends List them Give a short description of why each are your friends…share same interests? They bring out the best in you? They make you laugh? They are always there for you?
What I will remember most… This should not be about a person…but instead about an event or thing that happened here that stands out as a time you would want to do all over again.
What I hope to forget… This should not be about a person…but instead about an event or thing that happened here that stands out as a time you wouldn’t want to do all over again.
1,2,or 3 free slides Give each a title and add a description to each. Must relate to the assignment and be appropriate!
It doesn’t have to make sense to YOU! On this page, type any random words, things, or phrases that you think of when you think about your experiences here at Abita Middle. Scatter the words throughout the page and type each in different fonts and sizes. Appropriate words only!
What I will be remembered for… What will teachers and other students remember you most for….explain reasons why you think so.
My future… Tell about where you are headed next-FJH? What goals have you set for yourself?