My Technology Boot Camp Diary Mrs. H. Carson
Monday, October 29, 2012 Created and set up my account and social wall at Password: ********* I learned (1) to take preventative measures to protect my child online and (2) how to bookmark a website.
Monday, November 5, 2012 Created a grocery list. Respond to and update my and social wall. I learned how to insert open a new document, insert word art, insert a table, insert a picture, format and watermark a pictures, insert text, center and format text, save text, spell check a document, and a document as an attachment. I also learned how to access and download data from
November 12, 2012 Created a bookmark using Microsoft Word I learned how to insert a text box and applied all the Microsoft Word Functions of learned the previous week to create a bookmark.
November 19, 2012 Create a PowerPoint entitled by Technology Boot Camp Diary Copy and Pasted Word Functions into PowerPoint Cut Out and Laminated by Bookmark I learned how to create a PowerPoint presentation using slide design, transition, and animation. I also learned to insert a picture of myself into my PowerPoint.
My Personal Notes for Microsoft Word
My Personal Notes for PowerPoint
How Would You Describe Your Boot Camp Experience Rate your experience on a scale from 1 to 10 with 10 being the highest. Rate your instructor on a scale from 1 to 10 with 10 being the highest. Personal Comments about your Technology Boot Camp Experience How can we improve your Technology Boot Camp Experience?
Teacher’s Contact Information Cell Phone: (803) Work Phone: (803) Ext I look forward to seeing you in next session. The course will include a short reprise using Intermediate Microsoft Word Skills, Intermediate PowerPoint Skills, and introduce you to Microsoft Publisher. We will continue to utilize the Gaggle and social wall. I will also introduce you to the Gaggle Blog.