The Solar System Mrs. Narreau’s Class
Jupiter was named after the Roman primary god, Jupiter. Slide by A.K.
Jupiter is mostly made out of hydrogen and helium gases. Slide by K.M.
The atmosphere on Jupiter has huge areas of swirly gases. The weather on Jupiter is -244 degrees Fahrenheit. Slide by K.M.
Jupiter means Zeus in Greek mythology. Slide by K.M.
Jupiter’s red dot is a storm and Earth could fit inside of it. Slide by A.K.
Jupiter is 778,330,000 Km from the sun. Slide by A.K.
Jupiter has 50 official moons. Slide by K.D.
All the other planets can fit in Jupiter. Slide by K.D.
Mercury is named after Mercury the swift messenger of the gods Slide by A. F.
Mercury is 57 million kilometers away from the sun Slide by A. F.
Mercury is the smallest planet in the solar system Slide by A. F.
Mercury has no moons. Slide by K.M.
Mercury is the smallest planet in our solar system and Mercury is about the same size as our moon. Slide by K.M.
The surface of Mercury has holes in it where objects such as meteorites and asteroids crashed into it. Slide by K.M.
Mercury has a huge range in temperature. Slide by J. S.
Mercury has a very thin atmosphere. Humans can’t live there. Slide by J. S.
If you moved to Mercury you would not weigh as much as you do on Earth. Slide by J. S.
Saturn is named after the god Saturnus, the god of agriculture and harvest. Slide by A. R.
Saturn is 1,429 million kilometers from the sun. Slide by A. R.
If you weigh sixty three pounds on Earth you weigh five pounds on Saturn. Slide by A. R.
Saturn has one million rings that are around it. Slide by A. R.
Saturn has dozens of moons but only 18 of them are named. Slide by O.G.
1 year on Saturn is 10,759.2 days on Earth. A day on Saturn is 10 hours and 13 minutes. Slide by O.G.
Saturn has seven rings but are less than a kilometer thick. Slide by O.G.
Venus is a Roman goddess. In Greek her name is Aphrodite. Slide by D.Z.
Venus is 107 million kilometers from the sun. Slide by D.Z.
Venus has many volcanoes, valleys, and plains. Slide by D.Z.
Venus is made of weak iron. Slide by D.Z.
Venus has no moons. Slide by J.R.G.
One year on Venus is Earth days. Slide by J.R.G.
Three interesting facts about Venus are it is Earth’s twin planet. It is the hottest planet. It rotates in the opposite direction of Earth. Slide by J.R.G.
Venus is made of metal. Slide by P.B.
Venus is very hot and the air is mostly carbon dioxide and acid. Slide by P.B.
Because Venus and Earth are almost exactly the same size,you would weigh almost exactly the same on either planet. Slide by P.B.
Mars was named after the Roman god of war. Slide T. G.
Mars is 142 million miles away from the sun. Slide T. G.
It’s the 4 th planet from the sun. Slide T. G.
Mars as 2 tiny moons!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!$$ Slide by D.N.
1 day on Mars is 246 hours. A year on Mars takes 687 Earth days. Slide by D.N.
Mars is rich and rocky. Slide by D.N.
Neptune is made of gas. Slide by M.K.
Neptune’s wind blows over 2,000 kilometers per hour. Neptune is a very windy place. Slide by M.K.
It has the most rings. Slide by M.K.
Neptune has six rings around the planet. Slide by M.K.
Neptune has 13 moons Slide by M.D.
A year on Neptune takes Earth years Slide by M.D.
Neptune has six rings which circle the planet. These rings are believed to be fairly new. The rings are more irregular than the rings of other planets. Slide by M.D.
Uranus is named after the ancient mythological god of the sky Ouranos. Slide by R.P.
Uranus is 2.871million kilometers from the sun. Slide by R.P.
Uranus has 27 moons. Slide by O.S.
One Uranus year is 84 Earth days. Slide by O.S.
Uranus has rings made of black dust. Slide by O.S.
Uranus atmosphere is made up of hydrogen, helium, and methane. The temperature in the upper atmosphere is very cold. Slide by A.A.
Uranus is made of rock and water. Slide by A.A.