Ms. Kuykendall Chemistry Room 250--Pd 1 Room 248--Pd 3, 4A, 4B, 6 Welcome
Teacher’s Information Webpage: RiverHill/Kuykendall Conference times: Tuesday-Thursday by appt. (preferred method) or call (410)
About the Teacher University of Maryland, College Park B.S. in biological sciences Specialization in microbiology M.Ed. in curriculum & instruction (secondary science education)
More About the Teacher Previously taught at Marriotts Ridge High School Member of... Sigma Alpha Omicron, the University of MD Chapter of the American Society for Microbiology Honor Society National Science Teachers Association National Association of Biology Teachers MD Association of Science Teachers Guest speaker for UMD M.Ed. action research course Hosted National Science Teacher Association (NSTA) international Korean visitors HCPSS panel member to help 1 st yr. science teachers HCPSS professional development speaker & summer curriculum writer Sponsor of Class of 2017
Course Outline 1 st Marking Pd: Introduction to Chemistry, Matter, Atomic Structure 2 nd Marking Pd: Electrons, Periodic Table, Bonding, Chemical Nomenclature 3 rd Marking Pd: Chemical Equations, Moles & Stoichiometry, Gases 4 th Marking Pd: Solutions, Thermochemistry, Reaction Rates, Equilibrium, Acids & Bases, Organic Chemistry
Required Materials Textbook, lined paper, pencils, pens (blue or black— NOT red), binder & dividers OR folder, graphing calculator Very helpful: Colored pencils, glue, scissors, highlighter, ruler, hole puncher, graph paper
Grades Based on quizzes, tests, homework, class work, lab activities, and projects Each assignment is given a weighted point value Total point system →number of point earned total points possible Grades updated regularly & accessible through Aspen
Communication Parents & students may sign up for “NewsFlash” on my TeacherWeb page through the RHHS website You can be automatically informed by or text message when announcements are made for quizzes, tests, review sessions, and other important biology information Subscribe or unsubscribe at any time Wonderful resource to keep you in the loop!
Self advocacy Please encourage your child to contact me directly with questions & concerns Reduces “middle man” & “playing telephone” Demonstrate independence & “college & career readiness”
Thank you for your time… let’s have a great year!