A Brief Overview of the Common Core State Standards
Increased writing instruction Daily routine writing Reading and re-reading closely with complex text Questions requiring text based answers Collaborative, productive group work Greater use of technology New English Language Arts units aligned to the Common Core Standards Assignments that vary to support success for all learners
Key Shifts in Mathematics: Implementation Plan for Common Core Math Prek-2- already fully implementing CCSS for math Grades 3 – 4 begin fully implementing CCSS for math this year Grade 5 partially implementing this year and full implementation next year Preparing students to not only “do” the math, but “use” the math. Focus Coherence Rigor
“All fields of study demand analysis of complex texts and strong oral and written communication skills. Because each discipline acquires, develops and shares knowledge in distinct ways, educators in each field must take ownership of building robust instruction around discipline-specific literacy skills to better prepare students for college and careers.” (Partnership for Assessment of Readiness for College and Career) A significant shift initiated by the Common Core State Standards is a renewed understanding of the value of discipline specific study in academic areas, such as science and social studies.
Changes in the science curriculum for will be minor and related to increased reading of informational text and writing in student science notebooks.