Garbage Collection in the Next C++ Standard Hans-J. Boehm, Mike Spertus, Symantec
The Context (1) Conservative garbage collection for C and C++ has been used for 20+ years. –Usually works, possibly with a small amount of tweaking. –Especially for 64-bit applications. More attractive with multi-core processors. –Explicit memory management gets harder with threads. –Some parallel programming techniques much more difficult/expensive without GC. –GC parallelizes better than malloc/free. GC-based leak detectors are also common. One major limiting factor: –C and C++ standards dont fully sanction garbage collecting implementations. –Programmers are hesitant to use nonstandard tools.
The Context (2) C++ standard is undergoing revision. C++0x expected somewhere near 2010 or –Initial committee draft was put out for review. Many other new features: –Concepts (Templates type-checked in isolation). –Threads support (threads API, memory model, atomics). struggling with object lifetime issues. –Library-based classic reference counting ( shared_ptr ). –R-value references (references to otherwise inaccessible values) support low-cost shared_ptr moves. Microsofts C++/CLI provides a separate garbage- collected heap.
Our Goal Transparent garbage collection. –Ordinary pointers; works with existing library code. –Supports Code designed for GC Leak detection Litter collection –Supports atomic pointers with cheap assignment.
Our Proposal, version 1 GC support in the implementation mandatory. GC use optional, but must be consistent across application. –If you have to trace a section of the heap, you might as well collect it. Program sections specify gc_forbidden, gc_required, or gc_safe (default). –Linker diagnoses conflicts. Annotations can specify when integral types may contain pointers. This proposal is currently on hold, not in CD.
Issues with original proposal (1) gc_required / gc_forbidden must be consistent for whole program: –Too coarse. –Need to deal with plug-ins with limited interface.
Issues with original proposal (2) Finalization is needed for interaction of GC with explicit resource management. Finalization is problematic in the presence of dead variable elimination. class C { int indx; // E[indx] contains // associated data. // Finalizer cleans up E[indx] void foo() { int i = indx; // this dead here. // May be finalized? bar(E[i]); }
Our proposal, version 2 Minimal compromise proposal –Garbage collected implementations are allowed, not required. Officially allows collection of memory allocated with built-in operator new. –malloc() is arguably in the domain of the C committee. –malloc() garbage collection may be harder to retrofit. Not intended as long term replacement for proposal 1. In current Committee Draft.
Proposal 2 components 1.Allow unreachable objects to be reclaimed. 2.Provide a simple API to Explicitly prevent reclamation of specified objects ( declare_reachable() ). Declare that certain objects do not need to be traced because they contain no pointers ( declare_no_pointers() ).
Reclamation of unreachable objects in C++ Existing conservative collectors reclaim objects not reachable via pointer chains from variables. Leak detectors make similar assumptions. intptr_t q = ~(intptr_t)p; p = 0; … p = (foo *)(~q); … *p … But current standard does not guarantee that unreachable objects are dead. Disallow this! Unavoidably a compatibility issue
This isnt as easy as it looks … Initial attempt: –Objects that were once unreachable may not be dereferenced (incl. deallocation). Insufficient: int_ptr_t q = ~(intptr_t)p; … foo *r = (foo *)(~q); p = 0; … *r …
A better formulation Only safely-derived pointers may be dereferenced. A safely-derived pointer was computed without intervening integer arithmetic from another safely- derived pointer. Safely-derived pointers may only be stored in –pointer objects. –integer objects of sufficient size. –aligned character arrays. Whether a value is safely derived depends on how it was computed, not on the bits representing the pointer. –Sometimes p safely derived, r not, but p == r. Draft standard contains a precise inductive definition. Thanks to Clark Nelson (Intel).
API addition 1 Declare_reachable() / undeclare_reachable() allow a pointer to be dereferenced even if it is not safely-derived. –No-ops in non-GC implementation. –Allow old code to be retrofitted. Undeclare_reachable() returns safely derived copy of pointer.
Declare_reachable() example declare_reachable(p); int_ptr_t q = ~(intptr_t)p; p = 0; … p = undeclare_reachable(foo *)(~q); … *p …
Implementation Challenges Implemented as global GC-visible multiset representation, but: –Declare_reachable() applies to complete objects. Undeclare_reachable() argument need not match exactly. –Matching calls dont need to come from the same thread: Scalability with thread/processor count.
API Addition 2 Declare_no_pointers(p,n) / undeclare_no_pointers(p,n) declares the address range [p, p+n) to not hold pointers; safely derived pointers may not be stored there. Allows the programmer to specify more type information. Much more compatible with C++ constructor/destructor model than allocation-time specifications. Can be applied to static/stack/heap objects. Undeclare_no_pointers() must be called before explicit deallocation.
Declare_no_pointers () example class foo { foo * next; char cmprsd[N]; public: foo() { … declare_no_pointers(cmprsd, N); } ~foo() { … undeclare_no_pointers(cmprsd, N); } … }
Implementation Challenges Efficient handling for frequently constructed stack objects. Scalability.
Prototype Implementation Currently just track registered ranges. –Processing deferred to GC time. Keep a small number of ranges in a thread-local data structure. Very small ranges and smaller objects are currently ignored.
Preliminary Performance Measurements processor nsecs/op-pair threads
Conclusions Current C++0x draft explicitly allows garbage-collected implementations. Support APIs differ from existing implementations. –For good reasons, we think. New set of implementation challenges. More extensive GC support will be considered after C++0x. Not too late for comments.