35th International IGIP Symposium, 2006, Tallinn, Estonia Problem based Learning in Engineering and Science – Development of Facilitator 1 Mona Dahms Department of Development and Planning Vestre Havnepromenade 5: 1-204, DK Aalborg Phone: , Erik de Graaff Department of Development and Planning Vestre Havnepromenade 5: 44, DK Aalborg Phone: , Lars Peter Jensen Department of Control Engineering Fredrik Bajers Vej 7C, DK Aalborg East Phone: , URL:
35th International IGIP Symposium, 2006, Tallinn, Estonia Tuesday, March 18th 2014: PBL and The Aalborg model 9.00 Welcome by lecturer Mona Dahms, Erik de Graaff and Lars Peter Jensen Introduction and presentation of lecturer and participants. Discussion of participants expectations (reflection-for-action). Introduction to the program Why PBL? Competence profileMD Break What is PBL? Concept mappingMD Lunch Learning theories and PBL principlesMD Exercise in groups – Learning experiencesEdG PBL as educational model and Practice at Aalborg University LPJ End of day one Home work for tomorrow: See the Video film about learning: “Teaching teaching and understanding understanding” 2
35th International IGIP Symposium, 2006, Tallinn, Estonia Wedsday, March 18th 2014: Facilitation 9.00 Discussion of home work and unanswered questions from day oneMD 9.15 Project work: Building a bridge.EdG Lunch FacilitationLPJ ALE Box construction exercise.EdG Forming Peer groups and planning assignment: make a project proposal across different engineering disciplines End of day two 3
35th International IGIP Symposium, 2006, Tallinn, Estonia Thursday, April 24 th or Wednesday, April 30 th ? 2014: Presentation and discussion of assignments + Examination Until the last day of the course the participants are working with the assignment in Peer Groups Presentation and discussion of assignment Assessment/Examinations of projects: Why and How LPJ Lunch Assessment/Examinations of projects: Why and How LPJ Unanswered questions and evaluation of the course. 4