Wireless Phase 1 Solutions There are three basic technical solutions: NCAS (Non-Callpath Associated Signaling) CAS (Callpath Associated Signaling) Hybrid CAS (CAS to SR, NCAS to PSAP) NCAS uses more individual components (no change at PSAP) CAS requires higher levels of signaling in the 9-1-1 network Hybrid CAS is in between (may be no change at PSAP) NCAS is seen by some as the `default standard’, because the others require 9-1-1 network upgrades to be workable
Wireless Phase 1 Solutions NCAS Call from Cell and Face Wireless MSO SR PSAP CPE Voice and ESRK Voice and ESRK [ SS7 or CAMA ] [ CAMA ] Cell/Face and CB# ESRK ESRK ESRK ESN CAD SCP SR DB Mapping ALI DB Dynamically Updated ALI Record Returned ESRK, CB#, Cell Loc, Face ID Updates Fixed ALI Record
Wireless Phase 1 Solutions Hybrid CAS Call from Cell and Face SR Requires Feature Package Wireless MSO SR PSAP CPE Voice w/ ESRD and CB# Voice w/ ESRD* or CB# [ SS7 ] [ CAMA; E-MF if CB# used ] Cell/Face and CB# ESRD & CB# ESRD* or CB# ESRD ESN CAD SCP SR DB Mapping ALI DB Dynamically Updated ALI Record Returned Required? CB# Updated Into Fixed ALI Record that already contains Cell Loc and Face ID for the ESRD code * May be CALLID in DMS-100 SRs
Wireless Phase 1 Solutions CAS Call from Cell and Face SR Requires E-MF Feature Wireless MSO SR PSAP CPE Voice w/ ESRD and CB# Voice w/ ESRD and CB# [ SS7 ] [ E-MF ] Cell/Face and CB# ESRD or CB# ESRD ESRD ESN CAD SCP SR DB Mapping ALI DB ALI Record Returned Required? ALI Record that already contains Cell Loc and Face ID for the ESRD code