group 05 robort lab 03
Overview Cost Estimation using COCOMO Schedule Tracking using a GANTT Chart Milestones Completion using a PERT Chart Process Report Specification Analysis Management Report
Nominal Development Effort = 3.2 * (0.8)1.05 = 2.53 Cost Estimation : COCOMO Constructive Cost Model (COCOMO) Ei = a * (KDSI) b Ei : Nominal Development Effort Estimate in man-months a, b : constants KDSI : Delivered Source Instructions in Thousands Estimate of lines of source code : 800 (0.8K) COCOMO Software Development Mode : Organic Variables : a – 3.2, b – 1.05 Nominal Development Effort = 3.2 * (0.8)1.05 = 2.53
Nominal Development Effort = 3.2 * (0.8)1.05 = 2.53 Cost Estimation : COCOMO (contd.) COCOMO Software Development Effort Multipliers AttributesRatingSoftware Reliability1.0Product Complexity0.7Reliability1.0Programmer capability0.7Use of Software Tools1.0Required Development Schedule1.5Effort Adjustment Factor 0.735 Ei = a * (KDSI) b Ei : Nominal Development Effort Estimate in man-months a, b : constants KDSI : Delivered Source Instructions in Thousands Estimate of lines of source code : 800 (0.8K) COCOMO Software Development Mode : Organic Variables : a – 3.2, b – 1.05 Nominal Development Effort = 3.2 * (0.8)1.05 = 2.53