ISODP20111 Critical Care staffs’ attitudes towards donation in Korea and Europe: Donor Action ® Database findings Won-Hyun Cho 1, Young-Hoon Kim, Seok-Ju.


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Presentation transcript:

ISODP20111 Critical Care staffs’ attitudes towards donation in Korea and Europe: Donor Action ® Database findings Won-Hyun Cho 1, Young-Hoon Kim, Seok-Ju Park, Leo Roels 2, Jacqueline Smits 3, Bernard Cohen 2 1 Keimyung University, Daegu, Korea, 2 Donor Action Foundation, Linden, Belgium, 3 Eurotransplant International Foundation, Leiden, The Netherlands

ISODP Background Average* support of donation** *average of: - support of donation in general - willing to donate own organs after death - willing to donate relatives’ organs - willing to donate own child’s organs R =.700 P =.014 **Roels L, Spaight C, Smits J, Cohen B. Transplant Int 2010, 23; *average of ‘feeling comfortable with…’: - notifying a transplant coordinator - explaining brain death to next of kin - introducing subject of organ donation - obtaining consent for donation Average* confidence levels** R =.796 P =.002 Countries’ donation performances correlate strongly with their Critical Care (CC) staffs’ attitudes, confidence levels and educational needs** which may vary depending on cultural and religious beliefs.

ISODP2011 to compare CC staffs’ attitudes to organ donation, their self-reported confidence levels with donation related tasks and their educational needs between 7 European countries (Belgium, Finland, France, Italy, Norway, Poland, Switzerland) and Korea by using the Donor Action ® (DA) Hospital Attitude Survey* (HAS) methodology *Donor Action ® Hospital Attitude Survey (HAS): - is a quick, simple, anonymous questionnaire to assess CC staffs’: attitudes & knowledge about donation and transplantation their support, involvement & skills in the donation process their educational & training requirements - establishes a baseline against which to monitor improvements - should be used alongside DA’s Medical Record Review in selected CC units 3. Study aims

Materials & methods Hospital Attitude Survey records collected from nearly 16,000 CC staff members (physicians, nurses, auxiliary staff…) between January 2007 and December 2010 from 191 hospitals in 7 European countries (19.3 deceased donors p.m.p. on average in 2009) (15,643 records) and 9 hospitals in Korea (5.3 donors p.m.p.) (304 records) HAS data entered into DA System Database for further analysis ISODP

ISODP Respondents’ profile (1) Professional backgroundGender 18.2% 70.4% 13.8% 77%

ISODP Respondents’ profile (2) AgeExperience – organ donation 36.6% 63.4% 24% 76% P <.0001

ISODP % positive attitudes to… P <.0001

ISODP % aware of … P <.0001

ISODP % self-reported confidence with… P <.0001

ISODP % received education … P <.0001

ISODP Conclusions Data presented shows significant discrepancies between Europe and Korea with regard to: o CCU staffs’ attitudes towards donation and concept of brain death o CCU staffs’ communication with next-of-kin about donation related issues o CCU staffs’ self-reported confidence levels with donation related tasks o CCU staffs’ donation related education received Due attention to Korean’s staffs’ educational demands re donation related tasks could help this country in achieving European donation rates from deceased donors and becoming a champion in organ donation in Asia.
