How to use Blogging to Improve Communications and Establish a Stronger Sense of Community Mayor Bill Gentes Round Lake, IL
About Me Senior Manager in the Non-Profit World –International Marketing –CEO for 8 years of various organizations 14 years of Elected Leadership (6 as Mayor)
About Round Lake High Growth 5,400 to 18,000+ in 6 years. Long-term projections put us at 30-35,000 people by the year to 83 employees in 6 years. 72% of residents are new! Growth segments are white collar and foreign.
Business Focus Changing the Organizational Culture Professionalizing Building a Community Communication was and is key.
My History of Blogging Private political blog during my 2005 re-election. –Cathartic –Effective Issue defining –Galvanized my supporters –Landslide! Why a blog for the Mayor?
My Initial Goals for the Blog From the first post –I thought that this venue would allow me the greatest freedom to reach the greatest number of Round Lake residents quickly and efficiently. So on this blog I am going to try to address issues that are affecting our community and my feelings on various issues in the community and in the area… Since I have a sense of humor, my guess is I will have some humorous stories as well thrown into the mix. Posted April 26 th, 2005
My Blogging Rules Anonymous Commenting Un-moderated –No family stuff –No swearing –No Libel
The 7 Points I Use Or my attempt to clarify a chaotic blog to my audience.
Point 1– The Truth To hear the story of what's going on, straight from the horses mouth (the Mayor) so rumors and half truths can be addressed immediately. –Prairie Pointe –Police Chief –Commentary Series
Point 2-- Ideas To solicit comments that could result in good ideas for the community. –Baseball –Stop Signs –Transportation Comments
Point 3-- Community To develop a sense of community, from the disparate variety of communities and residents in the Village. –Run/Walk –Local Events –Get more people involved
Point 4-- Me To humanize the face of elected officials and let citizens know where they stand and what they intend to do. –Humanize –Scheduling –National Butter Reserves
Point 5-- Discussion To increase public involvement, staff involvement and outside involvement through readership. –Comments –Staff reads it –Set the agenda and tone – s easier to answer
Point 6– Issue Leadership To promote yourself, create issue leadership on a broader scale then you would ordinarily get from your relative status. –120 Bypass –Transportation –Get your point across
Point 7– Big Picture To talk about big projects and what they mean to the Village. –Hospital –Downtown Development
Results Unintended Unintended –Readership Levels ( unique a day) –Newspapers reading the blog and then writing articles on the post topic. –County and Statewide leadership on issues –More Mayoral blogs and mentoring (international, national and local)
Results Intended Intended –Increased Communication –Community Building –Approachability – answering
Thoughts on Blogging Be Genuine Write Regularly Use Pictures Use Links Promote your blog