AI3 Indonesia Edu Net
ID agriculture mailing list
Focus zExisting Implemented Infrastructure. zExperience in Building an AII.
Our situation zDevelop by University zImplemented & Run by Education Sector zThanks to AI3, WIDE, JCSAT without whom all of these activities never exists!
Outline zHistorical Perspective zCurrent Infrastructure. zBrief overview on our research results in: yphysical layer. yNetwork layer. yApplication layer.
Experience in Internet building zJanuary Suryono (Texas) install a packet radio 1200bps to LAPAN. zLAPAN 1200bps to BPPT & Internet 64Kbps. z286 PC as gateway! to connect the whole ITB campus. zSoftware NOS (running on DOS) as gateway.
Indonesia Topology Jan.1993
ITB in 1995 zTelkom Leased Line at 14.4Kbps zRISTI-Telkom to BPPT 64Kbps. zITB uses FreeBSD (UNIX) as Router & Server. zFor the first time ITB sees Web in Internet. zITB learns to build a campus network (how to handle the lightning).
ITB Today.... zT1 Satelite link to Japan. z2Mbps link to Indonesia IX. zVSAT TDMA & SCPC to various universities. z4Mbps Uwave Jakarta-Bandung. z128 Kbps to Jakarta, Surabaya & Malang. zWaveLAN 2Mbps for Metropolitan Area Network (MAN).
ITB Network Operation Center
AI3 Indonesia AI3 Indonesia IIX WIDE AI3 S-One / SingaREN vBNS STARTAP CA*net3 TransPAC APAN
Highlight AI3 Indonesia z1.5 Mbps to WIDE (part of APAN) z2Mbps to TelkomNet z2Mbps to Malaysia / USM (in progress) zto Singapore / Temasek Poly (in progress) z128Kbps to IPTEKnet zleased line / VSAT within Indonesia zTelkomNet Instant - dial-up services
Internet Alat Bantu zKomputer xPC based zSoftware xFreeBSD, Linux, Windows zPeralatan komunikasi xmodem, telepon, radio & satelit. zPeralatan LAN xEthernet, coax, UTP
Kunci Keberhasilan zAktif dalam masyarakat informasi zTidak bersifat pasif / menunggu zBerpartisipasi aktif dalam mailing list zBerpartisipasi aktif dalam membangun content
Mailing Lists zUses majordomo on FreeBSD zRun on Dual Pentium 166MHz 32Mb RAM. zMore than 220 mailing lists at ITB. (more than 75% Indonesian mailing lists). zMore than subscribers. zWe are trying to build the community in Indonesia.
Contoh Masyarakat Mailing Lists
Distance Learning zITB’s Server:
Library Network
Test Bed Library Network
Catalog Map (Phase I)
Contoh Catalog Searching Databases collection Select database Search result Catalog view Ordering Librarian response
Tools Server zWeb server (apache) zIndexer (Wais/Isis, Harvest, Swish-E, Dienst,Isite) zCGI (YNIS, wwwwais, perl scripts, PHP, dll) zDatabase (POSTGRESQL, Mysql, Msql, dll) zOS (Unix FreeBSD, Linux) zMail achiving (hypermail, MhonArc, Procmail) Client zWeb Browser (IE, Netscape) zAdobe Acrobat reader Semua Free, dapat didownload di Internet
References z z z z z z z z