Air Force Rank
Airman Basic AB / C/AB Slick Sleeve
Airman Amn / C/Amn
Airman First Class A1C / C/A1C
Senior Airman SrA / C/SrA
Staff Sergeant SSgt / C/SSgt
Technical Sergeant TSgt / C/TSgt
Master Sergeant MSgt / C/MSgt
Master Sergeant First Sergeant
Senior Master Sergeant SMSgt / C/SMSgt
Senior Master Sergeant First Sergeant
Chief Master Sergeant CMSgt/ C/CMSGT
Chief Master Sergeant First Sergeant
Command Chief Master Sergeant
Chief Master Sergeant of The Air Force
Second Lieutenant 2nd Lt/ C/2nd Lt GOLD
First Lieutenant 1st Lt/ C/1st Lt SILVER
Captain Capt/ C/Capt SILVER
Major Maj / C/Maj GOLD
Lieutenant Colonel Lt Col / C/Lt Col SILVER
Colonel Col/ C/Col
Brigadier General B Gen
Major General Maj Gen
Lieutenant General Lt Gen