NAIC Portfolio Record Keeper Educational Benefits of Record Keeping
Record keeping is an educational tool that leads to better investing decisions. NAIC Portfolio Record Keeper - educational benefits of record keeping...
Record keeping improves the investment process! –Know where you are, to get where you want to go Reinforces the NAIC guidelines for successful long-term investing. –Invest regularly, regardless of the short-term market outlook –Reinvest all earnings to take advantage of the magic of compounding –Invest in growth companies –Diversify to reduce risk Understand & Build Portfolios Consistent to Goals, Risk Tolerance Leads to greater self-reliance. Compliments SSG analysis tools.
Why Diversification is so important - a simple test…. –What would you prefer for 2 year portfolio performance? Year 1 = +80% Year 2 = - 50% –or: Year 1 = +5% Year 2 = +5% Which leads to better results????….. NAIC Portfolio Record Keeper - educational benefits of record keeping...
–Year 1 = +80% –Year 2 = - 50% Start with $10,000 80% return = $18, % return = $9,000 balance $9, ,000 = -$1,000 loss. Whoops!!! –Year 1 = +5% –Year 2 = +5% Start with $10,000 5% return = $10,500 5% return = $11,025 balance $11, ,000 = $1,125 gain. Diversification leads to better performance. NAIC Portfolio Record Keeper - educational benefits of record keeping...
More efficient tax planning Simplifying complicated transaction accounting –spinoffs, mergers, tenders, exchanges, etc. Managing multiple portfolios –aggregate details for multiple portfolio accounts. Estate Planning –be prepared for pending estate tax law changes NAIC Portfolio Record Keeper - educational benefits of record keeping...
In this session, well review the basics of PRK and demonstrate features that you will find educational, while leading to better portfolio management of investments. –Portfolio transactions –Internet access to update prices –Reports and graphs –Valuation ratios NAIC Portfolio Record Keeper - educational benefits of record keeping...
Reconcile statements Keep track of security basis –changing tax laws Make more informed decisions during year –weed and feed, monitor diversification Tax planning consequences Handle complex transactions Know where you are, to get where you want to go Becoming more educated about what you own Gaining self reliance NAIC Portfolio Record Keeper - educational benefits of record keeping...
Requirements & Purchase Information NAIC Portfolio Record Keeper v4. Requires Win 95+; Pentium II 266mhz, 16 MB RAM recommended. $40 Upgrade from previous v3 $89 for NAIC Member $129 non NAIC Member Available at NAIC Software booth here at CompuFest, or call , ext. 0 Web sites: – –
User comments often provide objective testimony to a product. Heres an all-time favorite…. As a user of Portfolio Record Keeper for many years, I wish to commend you for its superior performance. Ive tried them all - and bar none - its the best piece of software Ive ever owned. PRK gives the investor decision-making capability and its accurate to a gnats eye. Id give up my husband before Id give up Portfolio Record Keeper.