How Principals Can Support Coaches and Vice Versa with Jim Knight Developed by ERLC/ARPDC as a result of a grant from Alberta Education to support implementation
Instructional Coaching Going Deeper Jim KnightInstructional Coaching Group
Questions How do you enroll teachers? How do you identify what to focus on? Do you have a one-page summary? Have you created checklists for practices? How often do you model? How do you explore data after observations?
7 ideas Partnership Focus Precision Follow-up Modeling Ease of use Pull vs Push
Partnership Principles
Do you agree with the partnership principles?
What do instructional coaches do?
Components Enroll Identify Explain Mediate Model Observe Explore Refine/Support
One-to-one conversations Large or small group presentations Principal referrals Workshops, teams, PLCs Newsletters Informal interactions Enroll
Do you have a one-page summary?
List all of the teaching practices you share with teachers List other information you wish to communicate Add contact information One-pager
It isnt that they cant see the solution. It is that they cant see the problem. GK Chesterton, cited in Prochaska
The Big Four Content Planning Assessment for Learning Instruction Community Building 4
You need a goal that hits you in the gut! --Jim Collins Goal Setting
How will you go about identifying goals with teachers?
Please watch this clip… Please watch this clip…
Have your coaches created checklists?
How often do your coaches model for teachers?
Do your coaches use Flip cameras for observations?
Teacher & coach watch video Coach asks open-ended questions & listens Coach provides specific, non- attributive feedback Coach and teacher identify next steps Explore
How do your coaches explore data during coaching?
Components Enroll Identify Explain Mediate Model Observe Explore Refine/Support
Questions How do you enroll teachers? How do you identify what to focus on? Do you have a one-page summary? Have you created checklists for practices? How often do you model? How do you explore data after observations?