Interesting Case Rounds Rebecca Burton-MacLeod R4, Emerg Med June 28th, 2007
Case 11F transferred from PLC to ACH ED after sustaining a vulvar hematoma Pt was skateboarding and fell off, landing on her buttocks Immediate pain to perineum Pt stated that swelling noted to genitals within 5min; when parents arrived home 1hr later, marked swelling
History Any other questions you wish to ask?
Case cont’d On examination: Hemodynamically stable ++ purplish-discolouration bulging mass to R labia; small laceration at 6 o’clock position on R labia L labia appears normal Unable to examine vaginal opening or other midline structures due to swelling Anus normal No other signs of trauma
Physical exam
Vulvar hematomas
Vulvar hematoma Blood supply: Pudendal artery Posterior rectal artery Transverse perineal artery Posterior labial artery
Causes of injury Straddle injuries (75% of cases in peds) Sexual abuse Kicks Self-inflicted wounds
Vulvar hematoma Mgmt ?
Mgmt No further rapid expanse of hematoma Pain control Ice packs to groin Observe for ability to void D/W Gyne
Vulvar hematoma Kanai M et al. Warning from Nagano: increase of vulvar hematoma and/or lacerated injury caused by snowboarding. J Trauma. 50(20). 2001.
Mgmt Conservative Surgical Small hematomas No rapid expanse Patient able to void Surgical Large, rapidly expanding hematomas Inability to void due to swelling Infective complications
Mgmt Conservative mgmt: Observation Ice packs Ice Sitz baths Tetanus (if appropriate…)
Surgical mgmt I + D Ligation of bleeding arteries If suspected retroperitoneal hematoma: Laparoscopy Exploratory celiotomy
Imaging U/S ? Case report Blunt straddle injury with L labial swelling and ++ pain Transperineal U/S performed to more accurately measure size and extent of vulvar hematoma
Summary Conservative mgmt if small, nonexpanding hematoma Involve Gyne if rapidly expanding, unable to urinate No role for imaging at this time…
Questions ?