Xpedients Solutions | | |
From : Xpedients Solutions (Govt. Reg. No: AAAFX1239Q) 149A, Shipra Regent Lane Indirapuram, Ghaziabad, Uttar Pradesh India – Phone : /
Xpedients is an internationally acclaimed brand that has profound intellect expertise in Web Applications & Mobile Application development. The practiced team under us has capability to deliver adroitness with their finesse-know-how in technologies like.NET, Java, PHP and HTML along with mastery in Blackberry, iOS, iPhone and Android solutions. Our technical minds have flourishingly delivered various noteworthy mobile and web projects to esteemed customers around the world. Our company is engaged in producing customizable e-business solutions with the help of abounding resources from all over the world. On the other hand, our applications in.NET and Java are packed with non-complex ideas and easiest handling. Apart from application development, we also deal in effective web designing services that provide assistance to work with application easily and smoothly. The design for applications provided by our professionals offers effectual environment to work with. Then again, we are engaged in internet marketing of the applications and websites with which users can make their business globalize. With the help of Dedicated, Experienced & Innovative team Xpedients Solutions is providing service based solutions to small & medium level enterprises across the globe. We have been involved in multiple development works for the clients based in India & overseas. We are mainly involved in to Operation includes Porting legacy systems to Web, E- governance, E-Tendering, Network Planning and Management, Corporate IT training and CRM Solutions. Xpedients Solutions | | |
This Tool is easy to use & comprehensive application to support PSM compliance within manufacturing facilities. This comes with below features : PSM Team Meetings Include refrigeration system techs/suggestion box for Safety Team. File for PSM Team Meetings (Must Show Employees Participation) PSM Team Meetings blank forms Suggestion box blank forms File for completed suggestion forms Employee Participation/Training of Employees Maintenance Personal Training Operator Training Test and sign-off sheets PSM Training – Need Overview of PSM RETA, Garden City, etc. Training Certifications Contractors Safety Evaluation Xpedients Solutions | | |
An idea about look & feel of Web Version This will appear when an user opens the web version of Protexus User name & password needs to be entered by the respective user.
Xpedients Solutions | | | The Home Page
Xpedients Solutions | | | Company profile Companys profile & Logo needs to be entered here. This will come at the header of every report generated.
Xpedients Solutions | | | User Management Admin can create/ edit user & define their roles.
Xpedients Solutions | | | Units Management For definition of unit for vendor or to set default unit.
Xpedients Solutions | | | Locations To define location under an Unit
Xpedients Solutions | | | P&IDs – Piping & Instrumentation Diagrams Schematic illustration of functional relationship of piping, instrumentation and system equipment components. There select the flow diagram files. It can revise day to day.
Xpedients Solutions | | | RMP Program Employee Participation Process Safety Info Process Hazard Analysis Operating Procedure Operator Training Contractors Pre-Startup Safety Review Mechanical Integrity Management of Change Incident Investigation ERP/EAP Compliance Audit
Xpedients Solutions | | | RMP Program Risk Management Planning - Here we can attach various files created for RMP like written procedure, organization charts, certification, case scenario, maps of toxic endpoints, reference doc etc.
Xpedients Solutions | | | Employee Participation Here we can attach various files related to Employee Participation in RMP process like written procedure, training content, awareness training form, reference doc etc and also specify team which participate in process.
Xpedients Solutions | | | Process Safety Analysis Here we can attach various files for Process Safety Analysis in RMP process like written procedure, process description, MSDS, U1 data report on vessels, Safe upper and lower limits, consequences of deviations, relief system design, design code & standards etc.
Xpedients Solutions | | | Operating Procedures Here we can attach written procedure for operating in RMP process along with other supported documentation like Annual SOP certifications, Lock/Tag out procedures, hot work procedures & other reference docs procedure etc
Xpedients Solutions | | | Contractor Here we can add list of contractors or vendors which work during RMP process. We also specify training procedure, safety training and others docs for contractors.
Xpedients Solutions | | | Mechanical Integrity Here we add a file list of various procedures and other supporting documents which are used to perform Mechanical Integrity in PSM process
Xpedients Solutions | | | Incident Investigation Here we define various procedures and supporting documents to be used in incident investigation e.g. written procedure, incident investigation forms & other reference docs.
Xpedients Solutions | | | Compliance Audit Here we define various procedures and supporting documents to be used in audit e.g. written procedure & other reference docs. There also enter the finding, Recommendations & Corrective Action.
Xpedients Solutions | | | Mechanical Integrity Compressors Condensers Vessels Exchanges Evaporators Ammonia Pumps Motors Valves Others All above process define various procedures and supporting documents to be used in inspections e.g. written procedure & other reference docs. There enter the full detail of process and also finding, Recommendations & Corrective Action.
Xpedients Solutions | | | System Status Used for Upcoming, Due inspections, Training status, Audit status reports etc.
Xpedients Solutions | | | Admin & Client Access Multiple Client/User access: Client: Corporate Organization Site: Plant (local) Facility Unit: Area within Facility (engine room) Location: area within Unit (i.e. floor, roof, etc…) This software has option to support multiple clients within the same system. Client can see their system status. The privacy and independent access to every client will be an USP. The browsing will be secure with strict privacy & account policy. Reporting can be performed at the CLIENT level giving information across SITEs.
Xpedients Solutions | | | Admin & Client Access Client: Corporate Organization Site: Plant (local) Facility Unit: Area within Facility (engine room) Location: area within Unit (i.e. floor, roof, etc…) This software has option to support multiple clients within the same system. Client can see their system status. The privacy and independent access to every client will be an USP. The browsing will be secure with strict privacy & account policy. Reporting can be performed at the CLIENT level giving information across SITEs. Admin can access reporting across all CLIENTs but clients can access only assigned reports. Administrative Level should be able to assign each individual authorization either SITE access or CLIENT access. The system administrative logins should be able to perform: Administer System Access Customer System Reporting The Client logins should be able to perform: Access Customer System Reporting
Xpedients Solutions | | | Process Safety Management & Risk Management Program Contractors Pre-Startup Review Training of Personnel Mechanical Integrity Hot Work Permit Managemen t of Change Incident Investigation Trade Secrets Compliance Audits Employee Participation Operating Procedures Process Hazard Analysis (PHA) Process Safety Information Emergency Planning & Response
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