This workforce solution was funded by a grant awarded under Workforce Innovation in Regional Economic Development (WIRED) as implemented by the U.S. Department of Labors Employment and Training Administration. The solution was created by the grantee and does not necessarily reflect the official position of the U.S. Department of Labor. The Department of Labor makes no guarantees, warranties, or assurances of any kind, express or implied, with respect to such information, including any information on linked sites and including, but not limited to, accuracy of the information or its completeness, timeliness, usefulness, adequacy, continued availability, or ownership. This solution is copyrighted by the institution that created it. Internal use by an organization and/or personal use by an individual for non-commercial purposes is permissible. All other uses require the prior authorization of the copyright owner.
South Bay Aerospace Consortium Meeting # 2 November 11, 2009 Veterans Day
3 South Bay Aerospace Consortium Aerospace Corporation Northrop Grumman Vought Aircraft Dasco Engineering Ace Clearwater Boeing C-17 CSU Dominguez Hills El Segundo Hawthorne COM DEV El Camino College Hitco Carbon Composites L-3 Communications Los Angeles County Economic Development Corporation L.A. Harbor College L.A. Air Force Base Raytheon SAIC South Bay Economic Development Partnership South Bay Workforce Investment Board Systems Technology KATCH Design Lockheed Martin Brek Manufacturing
4 Agenda South Bay Aerospace Consortium Meeting #2 November 11, :00 PM – 3:00 PM 12:00Network Lunch 12:30 Welcome and Introductions 12:35 Review Critical Occupation Vote 12:55Discuss Career/Education Pathway Model 1:05 Form Pathway Action Teams 1:15Develop Pathway Action Plans 1:45Report Back 1:55Evaluate Meeting 2:00Tour C-17 3:00Adjourn Meeting Tod Sword will emcee the meeting and introduce the leader of each section Tod Sword Dr. Austin David Gonzalez & Milt Krivokuca Team Leader Everyone
5 Review Critical Occupation Vote Dr. Austin, our objectives in this section are: Review findings from national survey to refresh everyones memory and for benefit of participants not at first meeting. Please share your views as a member of the Advisory Board. Review critical occupation vote from first meeting (slides 6 & 7) - Does it make sense to everyone? Does anyone have something new to add to discussion? Today we want to select at least two occupations to begin building the Career/Education Pathway. Do we start with # 1 and # 2? Or do participants prefer to start with other occupations? Guide participants to select the occupations.
6 Aerospace Workforce Hires Projected 2009
7 South Bay Aerospace Ranking This slide shows national ranking of Top ten occupations Vs. South Bay vote.
8 South Bay Aerospace Ranking This slide shows ranking of South Bay vote in descending order.
9 Career/Education Pathway
10 Todays Objectives Understand Pipeline Challenge Discuss Career/Education Pathway Model Form Pathway Action Teams Select Industry Team Leader Develop Action Plans Report back to group
11 Challenge: Filling Aerospace Skilled Workforce Pipeline Elementary School Middle School High SchoolCommunity College University ? -El Camino College Aerospace Awareness Program -Project Lead the Way - STEM - Others -21 L.A. County Community Colleges - Others - 4 CSUs - 1 UC - Others Align Programs Create Awareness Skilled Workforce Interested Students Employers discussed this challenge at last meeting. This slide attempts to represent the challenge and pieces already in place. As audience if they know of other programs not listed. Discuss challenge of aligning the existing programs and creating new programs to create awareness. Try to get discussion going.
12 Career Level & Wages Qualifications/Characteristics/ Competencies Skills/Experience/EducationColleges/ Universities/ Associations Jobs Education & Training Career/Education Pathway Model Model components breakout
13 Career Level & Wages Qualifications/Characteristics/ Competencies Skills/Experience/EducationColleges/ Universities/ Associations Jobs Education & Training Career/Education Pathway Model Development Order This is the order that the teams will use to develop each pathway model. Subsequent slides using the Quality Profession as an example, will go into more detail.
14 Career/Education Pathway Aerospace Quality Profession 1 5 Step : Career levels and related wages Briefly discuss typical career using this info Highlighting 1 -2 levels 1
15 Career/Education Pathway Aerospace Quality Profession 1 2 Step : Jobs. Briefly discuss typical career using this info highlighting jobs 2
16 Career/Education Pathway Aerospace Quality Profession Skills/Education/Experience 3 Step : Skills/Education/Experience Briefly discuss typical career using this info highlighting one or two levels 3
17 Career/Education Pathway Aerospace Quality Profession Step : Qualifications/ Characrteristics/ Competentcies Briefly highlight one or two of the most relevant descriptors 4
18 Career/Education Pathway Aerospace Quality Profession Step : Education & Training - Briefly highlight one or two of the programs 5
19 Career/Education Pathway Aerospace Quality Profession CSU Dominguez Hills American Society for Quality Others? Colleges/Universities/Associations 6 Step : Colleges/Universities/Associations - Briefly discuss CSUDHs programs; role of ASQ in training & education; and ask participants if they know of organizations to add to list. 6
20 Pathway Action Teams List Team Members/Organizations Select Industry Team Leader Identify Desired Team Members: –Employers –Educators K- 12 Colleges Universities –Associations –Community Based Organizations –Others? Current people at this meeting representing their organizations may not be the best participant for this team. Explain that each team member should decide who would be the best person from their organization to represent them on this team and have that person attend the next Pathway Team meeting.
21 Suggested Future Meeting/Agendas Develop Meeting Schedule: Meeting # 1 - Develop: Date - –Career Levels & Wages –Jobs Meeting # 2 - Develop: Date - –Skills/Experience/ Education –Qualifications/Characteristics/Competencies Meeting # 3 - Develop: Date - –Education/Training –Colleges/Universities/Associations Meeting # 4 - Develop: Date - –Pathway validation Everyone Participates – Industry takes lead Only Educators Participate Everyone Participates Everyone Participates – Industry takes lead Purpose of the meeting is to have all team members review and validate completed model
22 Pathway Action Team Review Team Members? Issues? Resources? Next Meeting? We will reconvene the main meeting and each team leader selected by the members will briefly review the content of their discussion highlighting any issues, date of next meeting etc.
23 Meeting Evaluation South Bay Aerospace Consortium Meeting #2 November 11, 2009 Please check one: Employer Other Excellent Very Good Good Fair Poor Overall Evaluation of the Meeting What was most valuable part of the meeting? What was least valuable part of the meeting? Suggestions for improving the next meeting: What other companies and organizations should be invited to attend the next meeting? Please include organization name, representative name and contact information, if available. When is the best time to hold future meetings? -Day of the week? -Start time? -Duration? Additional Comments: All participants will evaluate meeting.