Famous People with (dis) abilities eature=related eature=related
SHIFT IN THINKING STRENGTH BASED MODEL No more staff control, insistence on compliance Focus on the strengths; Look how great people can be. What are some questions you could ask someone to help identify their magic ingredient? (round robin)
FUNDAMENTALS OF SUPPORTIVE RELATIONSHIPS Being appreciated Being valued Being respected Being surrounded by allies Being healthy Having basic needs met Having power & control over their daily decisions & life activities Having adequate skills to assist with coping & problem solving
GET THE CHAIN Everyone to give an example of how they will use the fundamentals of supportive relationships to help people thrive and have a Good Life. With each example a link in the negative chain will be broken, giving more strength to the positives.
Break that negative chain to strengthen the positives in creating supportive relationships The more we eliminate the negative the more the positives can be seen and acknowledged.
Thank you