Creating a Buzz Using Social Media in Branch Advocacy Efforts - breakout session, AAUW Ohio Leadership Workshop 2013
Our questions: In 2009, we asked: What is social media? In 2011, we asked: Why should we use social media? In 2013, we ask: How do we use social media?
Think strategically Message Audience Goal Strategy/Channel ◦ Facebook ◦ Twitter ◦ LinkedIn ◦ Pinterest ◦ Google+
How to Run Your Branch Social Media... in less than one hour a week 15 minutes: Review your resources 15 minutes: Plan your content 15 minutes: Schedule your content 15 minutes: Engage your audience Source: “Advanced Social Media for AAUW Branches,” a presentation at AAUW Convention 2013 by Alan Callander, AAUW Social Media Manager, and Rachel Wallace, AAUW Strategic Communications Associate BD1OkOQ57vmyfFi4/edit?pli=1
Schedule your content on Facebook
Schedule your tweets via Tweetdeck
How often should I post on FB? 1 post a day Post 1 to 2 times a day for14% higher engagement Weekends get 14.5% higher engagement than weekdays. Wednesday is the lowest day If you post too much, engagement goes down. Try to keep the weekly posts around 7-10 times per week
How often should I tweet? 1 to 2 tweets per day up to 4 tweets per day for power users engagement drops after 4 Tweets per day # hash tag tweets get twice the engagement tweets with <100 characters get 17% higher engagement
Source: “How to create perfect social media posts” By Kristin Piombino Posted: July 25, rticles/14901.aspx# rticles/14901.aspx#
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