C N H | K E Y C L U B CNH | Updated by CNH Key Club District California-Nevada-Hawaii District May 2013 Presented by: Effective Meetings hosted by Lt. Governors Victoria Lai, Governor Leadership Team
CNH | Training Topic: Effective Meetings CNH Key Club District You want people to describe the meeting as: Fun/Cool/Awesome/Inspiring/Worthwhile/ Informative You want people to say this about the meeting: I am going to take this home and apply it to life. This was deep. Wow! I want to bring this information to my club and members. Man, that was definitely eye opening. I can’t wait to go to another event! What would you want?
CNH | Training Topic: Effective Meetings CNH Key Club District Questions: Are you living up to your Past Officers or surpassing them? More importantly, how can you take his/her legacy to a new level (higher carat)? How were the DCMs in the past? What went well? What might be areas to change or adjust? What else can benefit the members you serve? Traditional Meetings
CNH | Training Topic: Effective Meetings CNH Key Club District Stop trying to live up to past officers! It is your time to sparkle. BEE yourself! Take risks. It is not stupid. Make it memorable. Leave your own legacy. BEE Original ADD YOUR OWN FLAVOR TO SPICE THINGS UP.
CNH | Training Topic: Effective Meetings CNH Key Club District Ideas: Questions Jigalo Boom Chicka Boom Boom Pick up lines Pterodactyl Pirate Ship Ice Breakers Common Icebreakers: Huggy Bear Ninja Human Knot Ride that Pony Sprinkle these throughout your meeting to get the audience awake!
CNH | Training Topic: Effective Meetings CNH Key Club District Motivational Training Inspire Service Guest speakers Invite Kiwanis Members Key Clubbers in the division you serve Local Organizations Personal Experience Share your stories Reflect back on what you have done Keep it real
CNH | Training Topic: Effective Meetings CNH Key Club District Events Make every meeting purposeful: Service + DCM worthwhile Is there space to accommodate a meeting? Will the area allow you to project? Will members be interested? Are there alternative options? Is it mandatory for everyone? Ask yourself
CNH | Training Topic: Effective Meetings CNH Key Club District The Do’s: Do use social networks (Facebook, Tumblr, etc.) to publicize events (not plan events). Do set the event to private and add the regular attendees. Do let your guests invite potential new members. The Don’ts: Don’t conduct business (event planning, sales) on social networks! Don’t make the event available to the public. Publicity
CNH | Training Topic: Effective Meetings CNH Key Club District More Do’s: Appreciate those who come early Be early Come prepared Start on time (members will get the message!) More Don’ts: Do not end so late either Do not interrupt someone while they are speaking Setting an Example at Meetings
CNH | Training Topic: Effective Meetings CNH Key Club District Everyone loves food! Host fundraisers with businesses Sweets are a nice snack Try healthy (Veggie Chips) Pizza is too common You have money in your budget for snacks! Use it to your advantage…but don’t buy full meals. Food
CNH | Training Topic: Effective Meetings CNH Key Club District Explore your community Holding DCMs at a routine place has its consequences Use DCMs as a time to capture everyone’s interest Introduce Mom and Pop shops Close to good restaurants Make every DCM a DCM to attend- FELLOWSHIP is important Community
CNH | Training Topic: Effective Meetings CNH Key Club District Remember the advisors Analyze your audience personalities general background age Don’t be a turn off Appropriate jokes and comments Language is powerful; use wisely Audience !
CNH | Training Topic: Effective Meetings CNH Key Club District 1. Establish goals for the progress of your DCMs 2. Create an enjoyable setting 3. Publish invitations 4. Start with mini a goal for yourself and attendees 5. Work to accomplish that benchmark goal 6. Reach the goal and leave with a tingly feeling that you did something Accomplish
CNH | Training Topic: Effective Meetings CNH Key Club District Further Questions: please contact us. Victoria Lai Amanda Redublo Johansen Pico Lincoln To Go for the GOLD Questions?