M. Pittman ICUIL 2010 - Watkins Glen, NY, October 2010 1 ICUIL 2010 XUV beamlines for applications at LASERIX facility O. Guilbaud, S. Kazamias, K. Cassou,


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Presentation transcript:

M. Pittman ICUIL Watkins Glen, NY, October ICUIL 2010 XUV beamlines for applications at LASERIX facility O. Guilbaud, S. Kazamias, K. Cassou, J. C. Lagron, M. Pittman, D. Ros, S. Daboussi, D. Zimmer, J. D ly, B. Cros

M. Pittman ICUIL Watkins Glen, NY, October OUTLINE 1 – The LASERIX facility : an overview 2 – Research on XUV sources and applications from 2007 to – Prospects and conclusion 3 – Present status of LASERIX (2010)

M. Pittman ICUIL Watkins Glen, NY, October The LASERIX facility: an overview

M. Pittman ICUIL Watkins Glen, NY, October OUTLINE Paris-Sud XI University (Orsay) - Laser Center of PSU (CLUPS) Integrated in Federation for Light-Matter Interaction (LUMAT) in 2010 Status : Soft X ray Laser platform for applications Director : David ROS Location : ENSTA Palaiseau (coll. LOA & ILE) Operation : : development room at LOA (turquoise room) May 2009 : Moving to new building next to LUIRE-ILE (Bât. P) Staff (10 pers.) : 5 researchers & professors, 2 engineers, 2 technicians, 2 PhD Collaborations : Laser → ILE, LOA (Palaiseau, F), CEA (Saclay & CESTA, F) XUV sources → LPGP (Orsay, F), LOA, LULI, LCFIO (Palaiseau, F), GSI (Darmstadt, DE), PALS (RT)

M. Pittman ICUIL Watkins Glen, NY, October GOAL LASERIX Facility for XUV experiments HRR Laser driver PW class Ti:Sa 2 J - 10 Hz XUV Laser High rep. rate > 10nm - 1 µJ - 10 Hz 40 J – 0.1 Hz XUV Laser High energy > 4-8 nm - 20 µJ – 0.1 Hz Compressor 100 mJ - 10 Hz –40 fs à 10 ps HHG : > 20 nm - 10 Hz Compressor 100 mJ - 10 Hz –40 fs à 10 ps HHG : > 20 nm - 10 Hz HE → XUV wavelengths : 8 nm à 32 nm → XUV energy : > µJ → XUV rep. rate : 0.1 Hz & 10 Hz → Multibeam - optically synchronized (IR fs-ps & HHG)

M. Pittman ICUIL Watkins Glen, NY, October Laser amplification for PW Performances Demonstration of Hz with 72J pump energy F. Plé et al., Opt. Lett., Vol. 32 (2007) M. Pittman et al., ICUIL 2006 (Cassis) Diameter: 100 mm Thickness : 20 mm Absorption 532nm) : 97% Ti:Sa Crystal (Crystal Systems) 4 Pass-Amplifier Transverse lasing suppression with Index matching liquid + absorbing dye Liquid IN Liquid OUT IR beam 8 beams – 100 J – 0.1 Hz pumping Homogenized pump laser Profiles

M. Pittman ICUIL Watkins Glen, NY, October Research on XUV sources and applications : 6 years in 1 slide : Laser installation in a development room (90m 2 ) & demonstration of laser 40 J / 0.1 Hz : → X-ray and HHG 10 Hz → increase reliability → first 10 Hz IR XUV David ROS in X-Ray lasers conference, Belfast 2008 : « Waiting for moving in the new building at end of this year » Started may 2009

M. Pittman ICUIL Watkins Glen, NY, October – Research on XUV sources and applications from 2007 to 2009

M. Pittman ICUIL Watkins Glen, NY, October Arrangement of the experimental area 2007 : XUV laser & experiments 40 J – 0.1Hz Amplifier IR Beam XUV Beam 2 J - 10Hz Front-end Pulse Compressor XUV GenerationExperiment Chamber

M. Pittman ICUIL Watkins Glen, NY, October XUV Generation by transient collisionnal excitation : GRIP scheme Solid Target Stretched laser pulse (500 ps, 0.5 J) Delayed Compressed laser pulse (4 ps, 0.7 J) XUV beam Plasma column

M. Pittman ICUIL Watkins Glen, NY, October XUV Development : DGRIP principle (single beam pumping technique) Solid Target XUV beam Plasma column Stretched laser pulse (500 ps, 0.5 J) + Delayed Compressed laser pulse (4 ps, 0.7 J) ONE BEAM

M. Pittman ICUIL Watkins Glen, NY, October Öffner stretcher Regenerative amplifier Amplifiers Compression Regen cavity selects the propagation direction  the two pulses propagate along the same beam path XUV Development : DGRIP scheme

M. Pittman ICUIL Watkins Glen, NY, October XUV Development : demonstrated beamlines Demonstrated application Double-stand breaks in DNA samples induced with X-ray laser F. Lindau et al., Opt. Exp.15, 9486 (2006) K. Cassou et al. Opt. Lett.32, 2 (2007) X-ray laser source Wavelengths: 18,9 nm (Mo ni-like,4d-4p) and 22.6 nm (4f-4d) 13,9 nm (Ag ni-like, 4d-4p) Repetition rate : 10 Hz Source size 20 µm x 60 µm Divergence 5 mrad x10 mrad Energy : >1  J Wavelength Gas cell HHG source H43 = 18.9 nm

M. Pittman ICUIL Watkins Glen, NY, October XUV Development : diagnostics & automation XUV diagnostics Spatial Energy Near field imaging ~300 shots on the same place of the target (DGRIP configuration) Footprint (Far field ~2m from source) Multilayer mirror photocurrent (pico-amperemeter) & Calibrated near field imaging

M. Pittman ICUIL Watkins Glen, NY, October XUV Development : diagnostics & automation Automation of experiments (B. Zielbauer, coll. GSI) 50 mm Fresh target surface every 200 shots System stops when the desired number of shots / integrated signal is reached Up to shots of 300 nJ in 2 h  4, photons (65 eV) / cm 2

M. Pittman ICUIL Watkins Glen, NY, October Users : LCAM (Univ. Paris XI) : E. Porcel, C. Le Sech, S. Lacombe GPS (Univ. Paris VI) : A.-M. Penhoat, A. Touati Background Effect of pulsed ionising radiation on DNA Investigation of direct effects Single strand or double strand break of DNA molecules Experimental method Irradiation of plasmids (DNA loops) Accumulation of a XUV dose perfectly known and uniform Strand rate estimation by an ex-situ electrophoresis Example of application using the optimized XUV source DNA samples irradiation Courtesy of B. Zielbauer (GSI, DE)

M. Pittman ICUIL Watkins Glen, NY, October – Present status of LASERIX from 2010

M. Pittman ICUIL Watkins Glen, NY, October Present status of LASERIX 2010 : Implementation in the new building ADONIS laser driver Comp. 2J - 10Hz SXRL 10 Hz HHG 10 Hz SXRL 0.1 Hz Comp. 40J -0.1Hz SXRL 0.1 Hz HHG 0.1 Hz

M. Pittman ICUIL Watkins Glen, NY, October ADONIS : The Laser driver Scheme FRONT-END 10Hz - 4 Pass Preamplifier Oscillator Verdi 5V Öffner Stretcher Dazzler 10Hz - Regenerative amplifier QL - CFR 0.1Hz - 8 x 12.5J – 527nm pump lasers (100J) Femtolaser fs Hz Nd:Glass AMPLI - HE MZ 10Hz – fs Booster Pre-amplifier QL - ULTRA FR PK C AS PK C QL - ULTRA 2.5J – 0.1Hz 10Hz - 4 Pass Direct water cooled Power Amplifier PROPULSE 10Hz - 4 Pass Cryogenic Power Amplifier PROPULSE AMPLI - HC 0.1 Hz Nd:Glass XUV HC /2 moving plate (0.1 Hz) >10 mJ – 50 fs – 10 Hz (IR probes, HHG…) 1J - 0.1Hz / 10Hz 40 fs > 50 mJ – 40 fs – 10 Hz (IR probes, HHG…) 2.5J – 10Hz (99% shots ) /2 10 J Hz 40 fs ps XUV HE 20 J Hz 500 ps 0.1Hz - 4 x 20J – 527nm pump lasers (80J) – LBO SHG

M. Pittman ICUIL Watkins Glen, NY, October Ground floor Overview of the laser driver ADONIS and SXRL sources area

M. Pittman ICUIL Watkins Glen, NY, October Overview of the experimental area

M. Pittman ICUIL Watkins Glen, NY, October Prospects and Conclusion

M. Pittman ICUIL Watkins Glen, NY, October LASERIX Beamlines SXRL 10Hz HHG 10Hz Exp. 1 Exp. 2 ADONIS 2.5J 10Hz 100mJ 10Hz SXRL - HC 40J 0.1Hz 100mJ 0.1Hz SXRL 0.1Hz Exp. 3 HHG 0.1Hz SXRL - HE Ongoing → ready for 2011 Coming soon → expected for 2012

M. Pittman ICUIL Watkins Glen, NY, October Status and ongoing work Present situation ADONIS (Laser driver) operating at 2.5 J – 10 Hz Two 10 Hz compressed IR beamlines available : 1.4 J / 1 ps to 100 ps (SXRL) 100 mJ / 40 fs (IR probe or HHG pumping) 100 J / 0.1 Hz pump lasers ready with DKDP, LBO installed soon (160 J expected) → 4 beams (2 tables) will be shared with ILE (LUIRE & APPOLON) 10 Hz SXRL and HHG under development → expected with optimized performances before end 2010 (GRIP & DGRIP) Full Command-control of the entire installation under development → expected before summer 2011 (coll. Amplitude Technologies) Coming soon 10 Hz SXRL beamline opening for experiments (coll.) → beginning J – 0.1 Hz amplifier (8 pump beams) & compressor → planned for beginning Hz high energy SXRL development → planned for mid Hz SXRL HE beamline opening for experiments (coll.) → end 2011

M. Pittman ICUIL Watkins Glen, NY, October THANK YOU