GAVI CSO SC Leadership Team Dhaka, Bangladesh November 2011
Objective of the Leadership team: The leadership team is established to ensure the steering committee is able to: 1.respond to routine needs, 2.have an efficient communication mechanism and with urgent issues raised at different levels.
Membership: 1.Board Member 2.Alternative Board Member 3.Chairperson of Steering Committee 4.Vice Chairperson of Steering Committee 5.Communication Focal Point
Mode and frequency of communication The LT will have regular monthly teleconferences to discuss important issue as per ToR. The LT also will have communication on ad hoc basis based on urgent needs and important issues to be discussed. LT can meet in advance to discuss organization of semiannual SC meetings or during other important events.
Agenda issues To draft agenda for the steering committee meeting and sharing with all members for final agreement To communicate and discussing routine issues with the GAVI secretariat To have regular meetings or teleconferences with the GAVI Secretariat To coordinate the selection process for steering committee members To coordinate the selection process for the board and alternative board members
Agenda issues To coordinate the process for development of procedures and system for proper functioning of the SC To coordination the selection and nomination process for different GAVI Alliance Committees, Task teams and important events To coordinate and represent CSOs and SC in important events organized or linked with the GAVI Alliance agenda To review important documents and reports and provide feedback (in consultation with SC Members)
Reporting All communications and meetings held with different stakeholder by LT will be recorded and minute of these meetings are shared with the SC members for information purposes. Any feedback or disagreement in any decision point of LT raised by the SC members can be reconsidered and properly responded to the member raising the issue. Date: October 2011
Comments and feedback The document is shared with SC Members Feedbacks/ suggestion : The title should be changed to EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE The membership to be extended to non position holder members of SC Clear mode of communication with SC members on important decisions
Thanks for your attention