1 Protecting the Long Island Business Community A Public Safety Partnership
2 Seized Terrorist Training Video
3 Lessons Learned When someone tells you that they are going to kill you… Pay attention !
4 Additional Lessons Learned Persistent enemy Can’t ignore history Don’t suffer from lack of imagination Mandates vs. expectations Identify and compensate for gaps Can’t afford to fail Persistent enemy Can’t ignore history Don’t suffer from lack of imagination Mandates vs. expectations Identify and compensate for gaps Can’t afford to fail
5 Threat Brief Unclassified and Open Source Consider International/National Events and Intelligence London, Madrid, Canada, Mumbai Training camps, Radical encouragement, Central communication and coordination Unclassified and Open Source Consider International/National Events and Intelligence London, Madrid, Canada, Mumbai Training camps, Radical encouragement, Central communication and coordination
6 Local/Regional Threat Posture Risk has not diminished Local activity Consider TOPOFF 3 effect What we know/don’t know Each and every day may be the day we are attacked again Create culture of vigilance Risk has not diminished Local activity Consider TOPOFF 3 effect What we know/don’t know Each and every day may be the day we are attacked again Create culture of vigilance
7 SCPD LISIC Local, State, Federal agencies Counter Terrorism Committees Critical Infrastructure partners Public Vigilance SCPD LISIC Local, State, Federal agencies Counter Terrorism Committees Critical Infrastructure partners Public Vigilance National Security Depends on Neighborhood Security
8 Who may attack us? From Outside or Inside? Method of attack- CBRNE, CYBER, Armed Assailant etc. (recent reports) Where would an attack occur? When could attack be most likely? Who may attack us? From Outside or Inside? Method of attack- CBRNE, CYBER, Armed Assailant etc. (recent reports) Where would an attack occur? When could attack be most likely? How Might I be attacked or used to facilitate an attack? Assess and plan for for possible scenarios
9 Critical Infrastructure Protection Risk and vulnerability assessment Protect based on the common belief of your adversary Consider Fort Dix effect Intelligence sharing Implement adequate security measures Joint training and exercise Risk and vulnerability assessment Protect based on the common belief of your adversary Consider Fort Dix effect Intelligence sharing Implement adequate security measures Joint training and exercise
10 9/12 approach to security Defense in depth- layers of security Keep adversary off balance- fear of the unknown Utilize appropriate technology Adequate personnel, equipment and training 9/12 approach to security Defense in depth- layers of security Keep adversary off balance- fear of the unknown Utilize appropriate technology Adequate personnel, equipment and training Target Hardening Implement reasonable preventative countermeasures
11 Cargo and Transport Issues Do you know what is being shipped/transported and who is shipping it? Is Information shared throughout the supply chain? Detection and screening initiatives Personnel selection Access control and physical security measures International Security concerns Do you know what is being shipped/transported and who is shipping it? Is Information shared throughout the supply chain? Detection and screening initiatives Personnel selection Access control and physical security measures International Security concerns
12 Suffolk County Police Public-Private Partnership Communication between PD and Private Industry/Security Terrorism Advisory and Intelligence Sharing Major Incident Summary's and Crime Trends Crime Prevention information Wanted persons Major Traffic disruptions and Emergency conditions To join send to: Communication between PD and Private Industry/Security Terrorism Advisory and Intelligence Sharing Major Incident Summary's and Crime Trends Crime Prevention information Wanted persons Major Traffic disruptions and Emergency conditions To join send to: SCAN- Suffolk County Alert Network
13 Mitigation Strategy Consequence management Cost/Benefit of various solutions Prioritization of Tasks COOP Supply Chain issues Pre-Positioning Communications Access and Security Consequence management Cost/Benefit of various solutions Prioritization of Tasks COOP Supply Chain issues Pre-Positioning Communications Access and Security
14 By failing to prepare… …you are preparing to fail
15 Deputy Chief Mark White Suffolk County Police Department Chairman, Long Island Committee on Counter Terrorism Telephone (631)