病理學 ( 含口腔病理學 ) 陳玉昆助理教授 : 高雄醫學大學 口腔病理科 ~2755 Diseases affecting TMJ 顳 顎 關 節 疾 病
Understanding: 1. Vocabulary 2. Anatomy of TMJ 3. Normal joint function 4. Temporomandibular disorders 5. Patient evaluation 6. Examination 7. Imaging 8. Main pathological conditions affecting TMJ 學 習 目 標學 習 目 標
1.Oral Pathology for the Dental Hygienist. Olga AC Ibsen, Joan Anderson Phelan, 4th edition, 2004, Chapter 10, p Eric Whaites: Essentials of dental radiography & radiology 3rd edition, Chapter 29, p 自購網路資源: super_toolcool References: 參考資料
Diseases Affecting the Temporomandibular Joint Ref. 1
Diseases Affecting the Temporomandibular Joint Ref. 1
Diseases Affecting the Temporomandibular Joint Ref. 1
Diseases Affecting the Temporomandibular Joint Ref. 1
Condyle head Disc/meniscus Glenoid fossa Lateral pterygoid attachment Upper joint space Lower joint space Ext auditory meatus Ref. 2
LateralAnterior Base Ref. 2
Ref. 1
mandible Ref. 1
Refs. 1, 3
Rest position Mouth closed Refs. 1, 2
Rotary and translatory movements of condyle during normal mouth opening Rest position Mouth closed Primary rotation Mouth opened Translation Mouth opened initially Mouth opened widely Secondary rotation Ref. 2
Ref. 1
Conventional radiographic projections Other techniques and investigations Imaging Ref. 2
Summary of different parts of TMJ shown by the conventional projections Ref. 2
Main pathological conditions affecting the TMJ Main pathological conditions affecting the TMJ TMJ pain dysfunction syndrome Internal derangements Osteoarthritis Juvenile rheumatoid arthritis (Still’s disease) Ankylosis Tumors Fractures Developmental anomalies
Summarie s Knowing: 1.Anatomy (glenoid fossa, disk, condyle, capsule, superior belly of lateral pterygoid muscle 2.Function of muscles of mastication 3.Three factors implicated in TMD 4.Two symptoms suggestive of TMD 5.Imaging methods for TMD 6.Main pathological conditions affecting TMJ