Graduate Writing Center Jessica Erkfitz MLA Graduate Writing Center Jessica Erkfitz
Pages Parts of the paper Cover page (optional, ask your professor) Body Works Cited (Bibliography)
Cover page Cover Page (Example to follow) Title 1/3 down the page Two double spaced lines Your full name Professor’s name Course name Date
1/3rd of the way down the page Title Your name Instructor Course Date
Body Body Heading (Example to follow) Includes the following Location Full name Professor’s name Class Due date Location First page of body Upper left-hand corner Double spaced
Body Title Header Center aligned Double spaced Next line below heading Same font size as text and heading Header ½ in. from top Page number in right-hand corner Last name precedes page number on every page
Body Text Layout 1 in. Margins Double spaced Indent beginning of each paragraph 1/2 in. Do not leave extra spaces between paragraphs
Everything Double Spaced margin ½ in. margin Last name Name Professor Class Date Page number Everything Double Spaced Title 1 in. margin 1 in. margin 1 in. margin
In-text Citations Citation types (Example to follow) Quotes (4 or less lines) Put quotation marks around the phrase Use exact dictation without changing spelling or punctuation Block quotes (more than 4 lines) Indent entire quote 1in./one tab more than the normal text Do not use quotation marks Double space like rest of paper Insert the period before parenthetical citation Paraphrases Use your own words, not those of the author Good guideline – do not use more than two consecutive words from the source in your rephrasing Cite them with a parenthetical reference.
Citations Normal citation Author’s name within sentence No author Located after quote/paraphrase Within parentheses Author’s last name Page number Punctuation comes after parentheses *unless block quote Author’s name within sentence Does not need to be restated at end Page number still given in parentheses No author Title in replace of the author After first reference shortened version of title may be used Must be underlined not in italics
Paraphrase Citation Author’s name Direct Quote Block Quote Citation without author
Works Cited Works Cited (Example to follow) Title: Works Cited (not Bibliography) Top of new page Center aligned Sources Alphabetical order by first word Hanging indent (use the tab button once)
Works Cited Individual layout (example of a book) Author (last name, first name) Period Title (italicized) City of publication Colon Publishing company Comma Year of publication Medium (Print or Web)
Works Cited d. Individual layout (example of a book by two or three authors) Author (last name, first name) Period Comma and Second Author (first name, last name) Title (italicized) City of publication Colon Publishing company Year of publication Medium (Print or Web)
Works Cited e. Individual layout (an edited book) Author (last name, first name) Period Title (italicized) Original year of publication Ed. Editor’s name (first name, last name) City of publication Colon Publishing company Comma Year of publication Medium (Print or Web)
Works Cited f. Individual layout (a subsequent edition of a book) Author (last name, first name) Period Title (italicized) (#, i.e. 1st, 2nd, 3rd) ed. City of publication Colon Publishing company Comma Year of publication Medium (Print or Web)
Works Cited g. Individual layout (a multi-volume work) Author (last name, first name) Period Title (italicized) Vol. (#) City of publication Colon Publishing company Comma Year of publication Medium (Print or Web)
Works Cited h. Individual layout (the foreword, preface, or afterword of a book) Author of foreword (last name, first name) Period Foreword Title (italicized) By Author of book (first name, last name) City of publication Colon Publishing company Comma Year of publication Period Page number(s) Medium (Print or Web)
Works Cited i. Individual layout (a translation) Author (last name, first name) Period Title (italicized) Trans Translator’s name (first name, last name) City of publication Colon Publishing company Comma Year of publication Medium (Print or Web)
Works Cited j. Individual layout (the Bible) Title (italicized) i.e. The New King James Version Period Ed. (edition, if applicable) City of publication Colon Publishing company Comma Year of publication Medium (Print or Web)
Works Cited k. Individual layout (a short story, play, or poem in an anthology) i. Author (last name, first name) Period “Title of the short story.” (period inside quotes) Title of the anthology (italicized) Ed. Editor’s name (first name, last name) (#, i.e. 1st, 2nd, 3rd) ed Period City of publication Colon Publishing company Comma Year of publication Page range of short story Medium (Print or Web)
Works Cited l. Individual layout (a signed article in a reference book) Author (last name, first name) Period “Title of article.” (period inside quotes) Title of reference book (italicized) (#, i.e. 1st, 2nd, 3rd) ed City of publication Colon Publishing company Comma Year of publication Medium (Print or Web)
Works Cited m. Individual layout (an unsigned article in a reference book) “Title of article.” (period inside quotes) Title of reference book (italicized) Period (#, i.e. 1st, 2nd, 3rd or year) ed Medium (Print or Web) *Note: you may omit page numbers when the reference book lists entries alphabetically
Works Cited n. Individual layout (listing one definition among many from a dictionary) “Title of article.” (period inside quotes) Def Period # (definition number) Title of reference book (italicized) (#, i.e. 1st, 2nd, 3rd or year) ed Medium (Print or Web)
Everything Double Spaced Last Name Title Page Number Everything Double Spaced
Abbreviations Abbreviations within sources Geographic locations are abbreviated Ohio - OH Ontario - ON Turkey - Turk. Common Publishers' names American Library Association – ALA W.W. Norton & Sons, Publishers – Norton University Press – UP (U of Illinois P, Notre Dame UP) *For a further listing of abbreviations (both in the text and works cited) see the MLA handbook.
Other Citations 4. Articles in Periodicals Author. “Title.” Journal volume: issue* (year): pages. Print. Horowitz, Evan. “George Eliot: The Conservative.” Victorian Studies 69 (2006): 7-32. Print. * Only include the issue number if the pagination starts over in each separate issue. Leave it out if pagination continues through a whole volume of a periodical.
Other Citations 5. An article in a weekly magazine (signed/unsigned) Signed article: Author. “Title.” Magazine Date: pages. Print. Corliss, Richard. “His Days.” Time 14 Aug. 2005: 56-62. Print. Unsigned article: “Title.” Magazine Date: pages. Print. “His Days.” Time 14 Aug. 2005: 56-62. Print. 6. An article in a monthly magazine Thomas, Evan. “John Paul.” American History Aug. 2003: 22-25. Print.
Other Citations An article in a newspaper (signed/unsigned) Signed article: Author. “Title.” Newspaper Date: section number. Print. Krantz, Matt. “Stock Success.” Wall Street Journal 11 Aug. 2004: B1+. Print. Unsigned article: “Title.” Newspaper Date: section number. Print. “A Steadfast Friend.” New York Times 6 Sept. 2003, late ed.: B8. Print.
Other Citations An editorial in a newspaper Author. “Title.” Editorial. Newspaper Date: section. Print. Brooks, David. “Living in the Age.” Editorial. Dayton Daily News 1 Aug. 2004, final ed.: A12. Print.
Other Citations 9. Parts of Books Author of selection. “Title.” Book Title. Editor. City: Press, year. Pages. Print. Fisher, Judith L. “Image versus Text in the Illustrated Novels of William Makepeace Thackeray.” Victorian Literature and the Victorian Visual Imagination. Ed. Carol T. Christ and John O. Jordan. Berkeley: U of California P, 1995. 60-87. Print.
Other Citations 10. Web sources An entire web site: Editor (if given). Title of the site. Date of electronic publication. Web. Date of access. Liberty University. 2007. Web. 2 May 2007. b. A document within a web site “Title of document.” Title of site. Title of site, Date of electronic publication. Web. Date of access. “June 3, 1800: President Adams Moves.” History Channel, 2007. Web. 3 Aug. 2008.
Other Citations c. An online posting Author. Online posting. Title of site. Title of site, Date of electronic publication. Web. Date of access. Sethi, Beth. Online posting. Enviromom. Enviromom, 2 Aug. 2004. Web. 6 Sept. 2008. d. An article in a database: Author. “Title.” Journal volume.issue (year): pages/paragraphs.Subscription service. Web. Date of access. Schmoe, Joe. “Online Article.” Online Writing 3.2 (2004): 56 pars. JSTOR. Web. 2 May 2007.