Religion Chapter 4 Review
Covenant, sacrament of Baptism, good news, evil, New Testament, Old Testament, human family, original sin, God’s will, unity The first _____ struggled because of sin Human family The ______ contains four separate books about Jesus’ life and teachings. New Testament
Covenant, sacrament of Baptism, good news, evil, New Testament, Old Testament, human family, original sin, God’s will, unity We learn from the _____ that God would never stop loving people and forgiving them. Old Testament In the story of Noah, the floodwater is a symbol of the waters of the __________. sacrament of Baptism
Covenant, sacrament of Baptism, good news, evil, New Testament, Old Testament, human family, original sin, God’s will, unity The story of the tower of Babel symbolizes humanity’s loss of _____. Unity In the story of Cain and Abel, murder; one of the worst effects of ______ are committed. Original sin The story of Noah revealed an important religious truth: God’s forgiveness and love and humanities goodness can overcome all ___________.
Covenant, sacrament of Baptism, good news, evil, New Testament, Old Testament, human family, original sin, God’s will, unity The word gospel means… GOOD NEWS The tower of Babel was a symbol of human resistance to ____________. God’s will Good made a ____ with Noah. covenant
Because humanity could not undo the effects of original sin, God promised to send ___________________. A savior ______ was a prophet who spoke to the people on God’s behalf and reminded them of the way that God wanted them to live. Isaiah
The Gospels of Matthew, Mark, Luke and John are found in the.. New Testament In gratitude to God for carrying the ark safely through the flood, Noah built ____ and offered a sacrifice on it. An ark In the story of _____, we learn about the development of different languages. The tower of Babel
True or False Humanity could not undo the effects of original sin without help from God. True Saint Paul described the person who would come to free humanity from sin and restore their friendship with God as the suffering servant. False – it was Isaiah In the story of the tower of Babel, the ark was a symbol of human resistance to God’s will. False.. Why?
What are some of the lessons to be learned from the story of Cain and Abel? Practice writing a paragraph describing your answer
In what ways has the life of Jesus Christ fulfilled the promise that God made to save humanity from sin and restore their friendship with him? - this is a question you must think about and answer on your own, practice writing out your answer before you take the test.