Click to edit Master title style Click to edit Master subtitle style 1 National Child Measurement Programme Workshop - Nottingham Rosie Taylor, DH Obesity and Food Policy Branch 13 th November, 2012
Click to edit Master title style Click to edit Master subtitle style 2 Obesity policy update
Click to edit Master title style Click to edit Master subtitle style 3 NCMP update
The National Child Measurement Programme 4 Overview Looking back over past year of NCMP 2012/13 school year –Transition from PCTs to local authorities –Data upload –Supporting transition 2013/14 and beyond
Click to edit Master title style Click to edit Master subtitle style 5 Past year of NCMP
The National Child Measurement Programme 6 Data upload 2011/12 Deadline for upload was 17 th August 2012 All PCTs have now uploaded – Thank you! HSCIC now checking and analysing the data Report due out on 12th December 2012 Data sharing with PHOs and local analysis
The National Child Measurement Programme 7 Issue with the Leicester Height Measure All areas have now responded to the letter from the Chief Medical Officer regarding this issue Less than 1% of measured children affected HSCIC is taking action according to its corrections policy in terms of how to handle the affected data Not expected to significantly affect data quality
Click to edit Master title style Click to edit Master subtitle style 8 NCMP 2012/13
The National Child Measurement Programme 9 NCMP 2012/13 NHS guidance published – April 2012 Schools guidance co-published with Department for Education – October 2012 No change to how NCMP is delivered Encouraging feedback of results to all parents 2012/13 data upload deadline: 16 August 2013
The National Child Measurement Programme 10 Data upload 2012/13 One upload per PCT Where PCT and local authority are coterminous, or two PCTs becomes one local authority, no issues. Where one PCT splits into more than one local authority, will need to collaborate locally with neighbouring local authorities to ensure full coverage and upload. Recommend measuring before April in schools that are currently in the PCT boundary but will be outside the LA boundary. We will be contacting areas where boundaries between PCTs and LAs are complex to offer support on managing the NCMP upload.
The National Child Measurement Programme 11 Resources NHS guidance Schools guidance Why Your Child’s Weight Matters NCMP closed network on Obesity Learning Centre HSCIC Feedback and Upload tools and online training for 2012/13 E-learning for Healthcare modules on obesity Directory of obesity training providers
Click to edit Master title style Click to edit Master subtitle style 12 NCMP beyond 2012/13
The National Child Measurement Programme 13 NCMP beyond 2012/13 Responsibility for NCMP will transition to local authorities in April 2013 Surveillance aspect of NCMP will be mandated from 2013/14 NCMP data will underpin the Public Health Outcomes Framework indicator on excess weight in children The public health ring-fence will include an allocation for the delivery of NCMP Planned changes to data flows from 2013/14 Redevelopment of Upload and Feedback Tool for 2013/14 – call for users! Research: London School Hygiene and Tropical Medicine
Click to edit Master title style Click to edit Master subtitle style 14 Your questions…
The National Child Measurement Programme 15 Thank you Rosie Taylor
Click to edit Master title style Click to edit Master subtitle style 16 Parents’ views on data processing
The National Child Measurement Programme Why change the NCMP data flows? To ensure that the NCMP is in the strongest possible position to bring maximum public health benefit Based on feedback from practitioners, public health academics, and National Obesity Observatory Wider sharing of anonymised data at local and national levels Central return of identifiable data to the Health and Social Care Information Centre Enable local authorities to share identifiable data with local partners 17
The National Child Measurement Programme Seeking parents’ views Independent qualitative consultation with parents conducted by TNS-BMRB Four strands: Took place in May and June Strand 1: Literature ReviewStrand 2: Two pilot interviews with parents Strand 3: Thirteen In depth interviews with parents Strand 4: Six discussion groups with parents
The National Child Measurement Programme Sample profile Primary school parents with a child in reception / year 6 Mix of SEG Three geographical areas Mix of BME to reflect areas Obese parents / those with strong views
The National Child Measurement Programme Awareness, knowledge and perceptions of NCMP Parents usually learned about the NCMP from the initial letter they received from schools informing them about the programme. Parents considered they had a limited knowledge of the NCMP, but tended to see the programme in a positive light –tackling obesity –other parents participate in the programme. 20 Obesity acknowledged as the nation’s problem and parents supportive of interventions to tackle this
The National Child Measurement Programme Anonymised data being shared Universal support from parents for sharing anonymous information with local and national organisations. 21 Parents supportive of government being able to better plan NATIONAL strategy Parents supportive of obesity ‘hot spots’ being identified and local strategy being applied Improved local services – leisure facilities, access to healthier food
The National Child Measurement Programme Identifiable data sent to the HSCIC Wanted reassurance: –Rationale –Credibility of the IC –Data not passed on or sold to other national organisations. –Data held confidentially and securely Parents were then positive about the benefits: –of linking data to enable better understanding of child obesity and so better services to be developed for future. –of central processing of the results letters to enable a more reliable and efficient process. 22
The National Child Measurement Programme Sharing identifiable information locally Parents supportive of percentage prevalence figures being shared with schools to enable local authorities and schools to target ‘whole school approach’ services at schools or classes with higher levels of obesity. Parents had strong concerns about individual children’s results being shared with schools, as any targeted intervention in schools, although potentially useful, if handled insensitively, would be distressing for children identified as obese. 23
The National Child Measurement Programme Action as a result of parents’ views Progress with planned changes, with assurances: –guidance to local authorities detailing parents’ views and emphasising that parents views locally should be sought before sharing individual children’s data with local organisations, and requirement to consider data protection act principles –Amend pre-measurement template letter to describe data flows and: Bring out objectives and benefits Emphasise high levels of participation – motivating Health professionals delivering the programme Credibility of IC secure handling of the data locally and nationally 24
The National Child Measurement Programme 25 Your questions…