Lands and Economic Development Programming Information July 2014
Today’s Discussion The History of Lands and Economic Development Policy The Federal Framework for Aboriginal Economic Development New Programming Lands and Economic Development in Ontario
The History of Lands Policy Before 1983 - Lands Managed by AANDC as required by the Indian Act 1983 - 53/60 granted authority 1994 - RLAP granted authority 1999 – FNLMA 2005 – Resource, Lands and Environmental Management Program (RLEMP) granted authority 2009 and Beyond - The Federal Framework for Aboriginal Economic Development
The History of Economic Development Policy Before 1989 Economic Development Programs Managed by AANDC 1989 – 2004 CAEDS - Economic Development Programs Managed in Partnership with First Nations 2005 - 2009 Enhancements to Programs in light of outdated CAEDS policy 2009 and Beyond The Federal Framework for Aboriginal Economic Development
AN ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT FRAMEWORK FOR THE 21ST CENTURY The conditions, needs, opportunities and relationships of Aboriginal Canadians and economic development have changed significantly. Need for a new federal framework for Aboriginal economic development that is targeted at opportunities, is responsive to new and changing conditions, leverages partnerships and is focused on results. The first priority is economic development. This is obviously the most essential step to improving the lives of Aboriginal people and their families. Prime Minister Stephen Harper, November 2007 In June 2009 the Federal Government launched the federal framework for Aboriginal economic development. This is the first policy framework on Aboriginal economic development since CAEDS was implemented in 1989. While CAEDS focused on 3 key areas: labour market development; business and community economic development ; it was never successful in achieving a coordinated approach across federal departments to support Aboriginal Canadians to achieve their economic goals. In addition, CAEDS and the programs delivered under the strategy focused heavily on employment creation as a key outcome for measuring success in economic development. However now FNs are taking varying roles in large complex projects, as participants, partners and proponents; As well, provinces have become more interested in working with FNs to foster economic growth and the private sector is increasingly looking to partner with Aboriginal communities and businesses. The new Framework recognizes these changing conditions and is intended to direct and align gov’t policies and programs to respond to the current and evolving needs and opportunities of Aboriginal communities. In addition to the Framework there are other drivers of change including: Treasury Board Policy and Directive on Transfer Payments (PTP) – proportionate risk, flexibility, service standards, harmonization of programs, reduced administration and ongoing engagement; CanNor – establishment in the North; Results and Program Audits and Evaluations and responding to recommendations and the Conditions and Needs of Clients - changing economic conditions and the unique needs of First Nations, Métis and Inuit
STRATEGIC PRIORITIES Strengthening Aboriginal Entrepreneurship A more business friendly climate on reserve and in the North, and improved access to capital and other business opportunities will strengthen entrepreneurship Developing Aboriginal Human Capital Supporting demand driven labour market development will build human capital Enhancing the Value of Aboriginal Assets Aligning federal investments with viable economic opportunities, better management of business and community assets, and a modern lands/resource management regime will help enhance the value of assets Forging New and Effective Partnerships Promoting partnerships with provinces and territories and the private sector will ensure long-term, sustainable economic development Focusing the Role of the Federal Government The role of the federal government will be more effective and efficient with clearer direction, greater coordination, more linkages and better collaboration There are 5 strategic priorities identified for the Framework: Strengthening Aboriginal Entrepreneurship – by increasing access to debt and equity capital and improving procurement opportunities Developing Aboriginal Human Capital – by collaborating with industry and educators to better match learning and training with job opportunities Enhancing the Value of Aboriginal Assets – modernizing land management regimes, taking a more systematic approach to identifying economic opportunities and strengthening capacity for community economic development planning Forging New and Effective Partnerships – bringing together the experience and resources of willing partners, promoting partnerships with the provinces and territories, supporting strengthened institutions in Aboriginal communities and facilitating linkages with private sector Focusing the Role of the Federal Government – linking federal program spending to real business opportunities, increasing linkages among federal initiatives and taking a whole-of-government coordinated approach to Aboriginal economic development Engagement focused on 6 key themes: Strategic outcomes and performance measures Program delivery options and service standards Opportunities for harmonization and linkages among existing programs Challenges related to current programming and innovative solutions Capacity development Funding priorities In Ontario, our engagement session took place August 16, 2010 in Ottawa. There were 132 participants, of which 34 self-identified their primary work as being in the area of community economic development, 18 self-identified in lands management, 16 in business development and 32 in ‘other’. 54% of participants worked for a band, 9% for a Tribal Council, 12% for a development corporation and 25% for other.
ACTION PLAN: A CHANGE AGENDA TO SUPPORT THE IMPLEMENTATION OF THE FRAMEWORK New Investments ($50M per year for 4 years) New funding to support greater access to and control over reserve lands, improved access to capital, and enhanced awareness of Aboriginal procurement opportunities Improved coordination among federal partners – the Strategic Partnerships Initiative Program Renovation A commitment to aligning the existing suite of programs that support Aboriginal economic development with the Framework’s strategic priorities To advance the strategic priorities of the Framework, in early 2010 the federal government also announced an Action Plan to support the implementation of the Framework. This Action Plan included a new investment of $50M/year to support: ATRs in Manitoba and Sask (TLEs); expansion of RLEMP; improved access to capital; enhanced support to facilitate awareness and access to federal procurement opportunities; improved coordination of federal partners – SPI The Action Plan also committed the department to renovating its existing lands and economic development programs to align with the strategic priorities of the Framework.
SCOPE OF PROGRAM CONSOLIDATION Consolidation of Existing Programs and New Programs Chart SCOPE OF PROGRAM CONSOLIDATION Existing Programs New Programs (effective April 1, 2014) Community Economic Development Program Community Support Services Program Reserve Land Environment Management Land Surveys, Commercial Leasing, Land Designations and Additions-to-Reserves related to Economic Development First Nations Land Management Act Management of Contaminated Sites (prevention component) Lands & Environment Action Fund → Lands and Economic Development Services Program Community Economic Opportunities Program Community-based projects or initiatives under the Aboriginal Business Development Program Community Opportunity Readiness Program Eligible projects or initiatives under Aboriginal Business Development, except for activities relating to commercial ventures and infrastructure, related to Aboriginal entrepreneurs or Aboriginal businesses Major Resource Development and Energy Investments Private equity instruments of Aboriginal Business Development Aboriginal Workforce Participation Initiative component of public services in economic development Aboriginal Entrepreneurship Program Lands and Environmental Management Surveys Additions to Reserve Creation of Legal Interests Regional Lands and Administration Program FN Capacity for Major Resource Development Projects Environmental Stewardship 53/60 Delegate Authority lands, environmental management and economic development funding as a matter of policy Three programs for the purpose of: (1) Improving economic potential of First Nation lands; (2) Supporting Aboriginal participation in economic opportunities and (3) Strengthening Aboriginal entrepreneurship. NOTE: Does not include the Strategic Partnerships Initiative Membership and ongoing participation on all Management Control Framework Working Groups Ongoing positive relations with NHQ Ongoing positive relations with LEEDAC and sharing when/where appropriate
Lands and Economic Development Services Program (LEDSP) - Core Help Aboriginal communities effectively build and manage a solid land base for economic development activities through the enhancement of economic development, land and environmental capacities of communities Eligible Recipients First Nation and Inuit communities and their governments, including Tribal Councils Other persons performing delegated land management functions under Sections 53 and/or 60 of the Indian Act on behalf of First Nations; and Eligible recipients seeking to increase their level of responsibility for land management under the Indian Act or the First Nations Land Management Act pending a positive assessment by AANDC of their community’s readiness Funding Provision Existing funding formulae In terms of internal accounting, while this is released as part of initials, it is not considered ‘essential’, therefore ‘non-core’ Reporting Requirements Lands and Economic Development Community Profile (DCI#471935) First Nations Land Management Report (DCI#41740)
Lands and Economic Development Services Program (LEDSP) - Targeted Activities supported based on a regional plan Enhance community’s ability/capacity to provide lands, environment and economic development services Includes environmental management support such as awareness and pollution prevention – activities previously supported by LEAF Same application form as CORP and reporting form as LEDSP Core Plan based program Eligible Recipients: First Nations and Inuit communities and their governments, including Tribal Councils Other persons performing delegated land management functions under Sections 53 and/or 60 of the Indian Act on behalf of First Nations; Organizations and Associations controlled by Aboriginal people, except those with charitable or religious purposes; and Non-aboriginal organizations and associations that support the provision of economic development services for the benefit of First Nation and Inuit communities for research and advocacy projects only. Ontario Plan for 2014/15: Continuous intake Planning as a priority
Community Opportunities Readiness Program (CORP) The long-term objective of CORP is for First Nation and Inuit communities to implement economic and business development opportunities, while leveraging private sector funding and opportunities. Eligible initiatives under the CORP include: Support to pursue economic opportunities. Support for Community Economic Infrastructure development. Support for the establishment, acquisition or expansion of a community owned businesses where there is an equity gap. Support for business planning, advisory services and training, commercial development and market development for a single community-owned business.
Aboriginal Entrepreneurship Programs(AEP) Creation and/or expansion of viable Aboriginal businesses Sustainable network of Aboriginal Financial Institutions (AFI) Aboriginal businesses win procurement contracts Aboriginal Entrepreneur Business Capital & Support Services Business Opportunities Build upon AFI network New suite of instruments (15-16): Capital Attraction Tool (CAT) Aboriginal Business Flexible Financing (ABFF) Aboriginal business access in public/private business opportunities by establishing linkages with stakeholders (e.g. province, private sector, Aboriginal organizations) to identify/connect a greater number of Aboriginal businesses to opportunities. Pursue PDP(14-15) for gradual transition to new programming Build upon AFI network by implementing new programming including Aboriginal Development lending Assistance(ALDA) and Aboriginal Capacity Development Tool to further enhance operation capacity and sustainability. Conduct research to design and implement CAT to further understand the factor influencing the sustainability of the AFI network to better support it and enhance Aboriginal business access through the network. Continuation of the Procurement Strategy for Aboriginal Business (PSAB) Outreach to other government departments to influence the availability of Aboriginal procurement opportunities Develop framework Continue to work with federal, Aboriginal, provincial/territorial and industry partners to maximize Aboriginal participation in major economic opportunities. Target procurement research to support Aboriginal business participation in public/private
What this means to you LEDSP CORE – budget remains the same at $12.2 million for CEDP/RLEMP Formerly CEDP – only a name change, no budget change, no reporting change RLEMP – name change, no budget change, new reporting requirement FNLM – name change, no budget change, no reporting change LEDSP TARGETED – total budget of approximately $1.5 million – increased from prior - CSSP – name change, same – based on regional plan, increased budget, now available to communities Designations/ATRs, etc. – now has a program available
What this means to you CORP – budget remains the same at approximately $3.5 million Community Strategic Planning was supported through this program before but is now more appropriately funded by LEDSP Targeted Budget remains the same at approximately $3m AEP
What this Means to You…. There is funding available through AANDC Ontario Region to support the following: