By: Becky Armstrong
Pallone Town Welcome to . Your job today is to find out about all the members of this very special town. You will also find out what they do to make this town so special for you and me. Let’s get started! Pallone Town
Today, you are going to meet 5 community helpers. Listen about each one. Pick 1 you would like to be when you grow up. Make a book about your community helper.
Step 1: Click on each picture of the community helpers. Step 2: Listen to each community helper. Step 3: Choose one community helper you would most want to be when you grow up. Step 4: Make a book about your community helper.
Rubric N O S 4 facts about my COMMUNITY helper were in my book I used complete sentences I worked quietly and I was focused. My drawings are complete and detailed. 3 facts about my COMMUNITY helper were in my book I used complete sentences most of the time Less than 3 facts about my COMMUNITY helper were in my book I did not use complete sentences My drawings were incomplete and not detailed. O S N
Pallone Town Thank you for visiting I hope you learned a lot about the people in our community. Community helpers play an important role in their community, just like you do! You have learned about Veterinarians, Firefighters, Police Officers, Librarians, and Pediatricians. Can you name some other community helpers who live and work in your community?
This WebQuest was designed for grades K-1 and is intended to be used during a community helpers lesson, within a thematic unit on communities. STANDARDS: 5.3.3 Rights and Responsibilities of Citizenship NOTES FOR TEACHERS: It may also be helpful to ask for parent volunteers to come into the classroom and help the students do the WebQuest. Bonus points if the parent volunteer is a community helper (a dentist, nurse, chef, etc...)!! TIME FRAME: This can be broken up into four segments. 30 minutes for the WebQuest (including explaining what a WebQuest is) 2-30 minute sessions to create the book 20 minutes for class presentations. REFERENCES: Scholastic This is where I found links to the Veterinarian, Firefighter, Librarian and Pediatrician. From the homepage, click on "teachers" then "student activities". From there you can browse online activities by grade and subject. There is a community helpers section under social studies that I found useful.