Parent Course Selection Meeting February 12, 2014
Purpose: To share the yearlong and daily building schedule To explain what courses are required for every freshman To provide information about available electives To share what sample student schedules might look like To go over course selection procedure
Why is this important to you?
THIS IS YOUR FUTURE. Starting next year all of your grades will be on your OFFICIAL TRANSCRIPT. CHALLENGE YOURSELF vsBEING SUCCESSFULL This is about your future NOT your friends’ future!
In your packet: Important information explaining how to contact us and how to access information about your child’s progress Summary sheet of Freshman Center courses Descriptions of each course Sample Course selection sheet
Freshman Center Schedule: Seven fifty minute periods Core courses run all year long Electives are full credit and half credit Half credit electives are semester based Lunch built into period 4 PRIDE Daily Schedule Period 1-50 minutes Period 2-50 minutes Period 3-50 minutes Period 4-90 minutes, includes lunch Period 5-50 minutes Period 6-50 minutes Period 7-50 minutes
2018 Required Courses: English (Springboard Level 4) US History II Science Mathematics (depends on current schedule) Movement and Exercise Science
What level should my child take? Each of the core courses is available at an honors OR college & career preparatory level. Honors level requires signed expectation sheet All core courses and many electives are offered in a cyber format. Co -taught sections are available by IEP/counselor/teacher recommendation only. Your child’s teachers and counselors can help you decide what is right for your child.
2018 Electives Full credit electives: Half credit electives: World language Spanish I, II, and Introductory to Spanish German Mandarin Music Band, Chorus or both Project Lead the Way Intro to Engineering Technical School Program Digital Design and Studi0 Art Design Concepts in Art (cyber only) Art History (cyber only) Personal Growth (cyber only) Intro to Business Interactive Media Health I Computer programming * Academic Literacy- Math * Academic Literacy- English *teacher recommendation only
Sample Schedules: Schedule Template Math English Social Studies Science Movement and Exercise Science Elective Elective (Full credit or 2 half credits) Example Math English Social Studies Science Movement and Exercise Science Health Spanish I Chorus
Sample Schedules: Example Math English Social Studies Science Movement and Exercise Science Digital Design and Studio Art Intro to Engineering Design Intro to BusinessHealth I Tech School Example Tech Program Wellness- PE Wellness- Health Lunch at the Tech School Math English Social Studies Science
The Plan Take the Course Selection Packet home and go over it with your parents/guardians. Talk to your teachers, counselors, brothers/sisters/cousins, and older friends about what courses you should take. Complete and return pages 1 through 4 of the Packet (Parent Signature Page/Course Selection Page) to your homeroom teacher by Tuesday, February 18 th, 2014.